Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT HUNTSVILLE
The Blog
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Monday, July 1 2013
WOD: A. Front Squat: 10-10-10-10 E3MOM B. In 3 minutes complete 10 WBS 20/14 10′ 20 Shoulder to OH 45/35 Max reps double unders Score =
Sunday, June 30 2013
WOD: “Johnson” 20 minute AMRAP of: 9 deadlift 245/165 8 muscle ups 9 squat cleans 155/105 Enlarge image 1st Lt. Michael E. Johnson, 25, of the
Saturday, June 29 2013
WOD: A. Shoulder Press: 1-1-1-1 Push Press: 3-3-3-3 Push Jerk: 5-5-5-5 E2MOM. Try to increase the load on each of the 12 sets B. 5 minute
Friday, June 28 2013
WOD: A. 2 squat cleans EMOM for 10 minutes B. Complete the following for time of: 800m ROW 35 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 800m RUN 35 thrusters
Thursday, June 27 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 50m walking lunge 50 hand release push-ups 50 double unders 25 knees to elbows 5 rope climbs 15′ 50
Wednesday, June 26 2013
WOD: A. Speed Deadlift: 10 x 2 EMOM B. 21-15-9 reps for time of: deadlift 315/205 box jumps 30″/24″
Tuesday, June 25 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat: 5-5-5-5-5 E2MOM B. OHS 4-3-2-1 E2MOM C. Death by 10 meters, EMOTM until failure Increase one 10m run every minute until failure CFHSV
Monday, June 24 2013
WOD: Complete the following Chipper for time: 15 squat clean thruster 95/65 20 T2B 25 box jumps 24″/20″ 30 hand release push ups 35 ab-mat unanchored
Sunday, June 23 2013
WOD: “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: 400m run 21 KBS 24/16kg 12 pull ups
Saturday, June 22 2013
WOD: A. Power Clean 3-2-1-1-1 E2MOM B. “Power Elizabeth” 21-15-9 reps for time of: Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dips CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: run 2 miles 20
Friday, June 21 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 3-2-2-1-1 E2MOM B. For time: 500m row 30 WallBall Push-ups 800m run 20 WallBall Push-ups 1500m row 10 WallBall Push-ups
Thursday, June 20 2013
WOD: “Klepto” 4 rounds for time of: 27 box jumps 24″/20″ 20 burpees 11 squat cleans 145/100 Enlarge image U.S. Air Force Major David “Klepto” L.
Wednesday, June 19 2013
WOD: A. Dumbbell or KBS push press: 5-5-5-5-5 E2MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 50 double unders 12 KBS 32/24kg 6 split jerk alternating feet 135/95
Tuesday, June 18 2013
WOD: A. Row sprints: Row 200m AFAP, rest 1 minute Row 250m AFAP, rest 1 minute Row 300m AFAP, rest 2 minutes Row 350m AFAP, rest
Monday, June 17 2013
WOD: A. In 10 minutes, build up to a 2RM TnG Squat Snatch B. 3 rounds for time of: 10 squat snatch 95/65 400m run 10
Sunday, June 16 2013
WOD: “Nutts” Complete the following for time of: 10 HSPU 15 DL 250/175 25 box jumps 30″/24″ 50 pull ups 100 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 200 double
Saturday, June 15 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working on HSPU B. 5 rounds for time of: 15 thrusters 95/65 15 pull-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: Hill Repeats: 1 mile
Friday, June 14 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift: 4-3-2-1-1 E3MOM B. 10 rounds for time of: 15 deadlifts 135/95 15 hand release push ups
Thursday, June 13 2013
WOD: For time: 20 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 20 ab-mat sit-ups unanchored 20 box jumps 24″/20″ 20 ring rows 20 hand release push ups 20 thrusters 75/55
Wednesday, June 12 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat: 5-4-3-2-1 E2MOM B. OHS: 3-3-3-3 E2MOM C. 1 minute AMRAP of double unders rest 1 minute 1 minute AMRAP of double unders
Tuesday, June 11 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 10-7-4-2-1 E3MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 500m row 20 hand release push ups 20 KBS 24/16kg 15 hand release
Monday, June 10 2013
WOD: 6 minute AMRAP of: 800m run max reps sit-ups ab-mat anchored rest 3 minutes 5 minute AMRAP of: 600m run max reps sit-ups ab-mat anchored
Sunday, June 9 2013
WOD: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time of: 400m run 30 box jumps 24″/20″ 30 WBS 20/14 10′
Saturday, June 8 2013
WOD: A. EMOM for 5 minutes: 10 thrusters 95/65 rest 10 minutes B. 15 minute AMRAP of: 15 power snatch 75/55 15 OHS 75/55 250m row CFHSV
Friday, June 7 2013
WOD: “Schmalls” Complete the following for time of: 800m run Then 2 rounds of: 50 burpees 40 pull ups 30 one-legged squats 20 KBS 24/16 10
Thursday, June 6 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift: 5-5-5-5-5 E3MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 30 double unders 15 hang power snatch 75/55 3 wall walks
Wednesday, June 5 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working on GHD sit-ups and Toes To Bar B. Complete the following for time of: 1000m row 20 GHD sit-ups 800m
Tuesday, June 4 2013
WOD: A. Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 E2MOM B. 20 minute on the minute drills: Even: 5 front squats: 185/175/165/155/135/115/105/95/85/75/65 Odd: 5 pull ups: ring/CTB/COB/ring rows If you
Monday, June 3 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time: 10 Shoulder Press 115/85 15 OHS 115/85 20 Push Press 115/85 25 Front Squat 115/85 30 Push Jerk 115/85 35
Saturday, June 1 2013
WOD: A. EMOM for 12 minutes Odd: max reps KBS 32kg/24kg/16kg Even: rest rest 4 minutes EMOM for 6 minutes Odd: max reps anchored ab-mat sit-ups
Friday, May 31 2013
WOD: A. In 15 minutes, build up to a 1RM power clean B. 5 rounds for time of: 3 power cleans 205/135 10 burpee pull-ups
Thursday, May 30 2013
WOD: A. Front Squat 8-6-4-2 E2MOM B. 3 rounds for time of: 30 KBS 24kg/16kg 25 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 20 box jumps 24″/20″
Wednesday, May 29 2013
WOD: A. DB 10 minute double under drill B. “Rowing Annie” 1000m row 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of: double unders sit-ups, ab-mat anchored 1000m row
Tuesday, May 28 2013
WOD: A. Thruster 2-2-2-2-2 E2MOM B. 14 minute ascending AMRAP of: 2 power cleans 105/75 2 thrusters 105/75 2 barbell push ups 4 power cleans 105/75
Monday, May 27 2013
Happy Memorial Day CFHSV! Classes are cancelled today in honor of Memorial Day.
Sunday, May 26 2013
WOD: “Badger” 3 rounds for time of: 30 squat cleans 95/65 30 pull ups 800m run In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of
Saturday, May 25 2013
WOD 4 WARRIORS “21 Guns – A Memorial Day Salute” Partner 1: 21 pull-ups 21 burpee box jumps 20″ 21 firemans carry back squats 21 burpee box
Friday, May 24 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes building up to a 2RM weighted pull up B. 5 rounds for time of: 400m run 21 DL 185/125
Thursday, May 23 2013
WOD: Back Squat: 5-5-10-20 E3MOM Bench Press: 5-5-10-20 E3MOM rest 2-3 minutes 1 minute max reps barbell bench press rest 2-3 minutes 1 minute max reps
Wednesday, May 22 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working on Turkish get ups and heavy KBS B. 2 rounds for time of: 30 KBS 32kg/24kg 30 T2B 600m run
Tuesday, May 21 2013
WOD: Clean & Jerk: 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 E3MOM Cool down: 100 ab-mat butterfly sit-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 3 x 800m, rest 2 minutes between sets 5 minute rest
Monday, May 20 2013
WOD: A. Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 4 shoulder press 75/55 8 SDHP 75/55 12 front squats 75/55
Sunday, May 19 2013
WOD: “Eva” 5 rounds for time of: 800m run 30 KBS 32kg/24kg 30 pull ups
Friday, May 17 2013
WOD: “Nasty Girls” 3 rounds for time of: 50 squats 7 muscle ups 10 hang power cleans 135/95 CFHSV is not saying Goodbye, but until next
Saturday, May 18 2013
WOD: #1: In 3 minutes, row 250m to 1 rope climb, then complete with the remaining time as many OHS 95/65 as possible rest 3 minutes
Thursday, May 16 2013
WOD: A. Weakness Work Training 16 minutes Athletes make 2 choices based on greatest weaknesses and alternate choice on even and odd minutes Alternating EMOM for
Wednesday, May 15 2013
WOD: For time: 500m row buy in 3 rounds of: 21 bodyweight DL 21 box jumps 24/20 500m row cash out
Tuesday, May 14 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press5-5-5-5-5 E3MOM B. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 E3MOM C. 2 attempts max reps double kettlebell strict press rest 2 minutes between efforts CFHSV Running
Monday, May 13 2013
WOD: EMOM for 12 minutes: Odd: max reps squat clean thruster 115/85 Even: rest rest 4 minutes EMOM for 6 minutess: Odd: max reps CTB pull
Sunday, May 12 2013
WOD: “Barraza” 18 minute AMRAP of: 200m run 9 deadlifts 275/185 6 burpee bar muscle ups Enlarge image U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ricardo Barraza, 24, of
Saturday, May 11 2013
WOD: A. Shoulder Press 4-4-4-4-4 E2MOM B. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 E2MOM C. 5 minute AMRAP of: 500m row 30 barbell push presses 45/35 max reps HSPU CFHSV
Friday, May 10 2013
WOD: A. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3 E2MOM B. 20 minute AMRAP of: 34 stationary lunges 45/35 plates 34 SDHP 75/55 400m run
Thursday, May 9 2013
WOD: 1 minute AMRAP of double unders rest 1 minute 2 minute AMRAP of double unders rest 3 minutes 10 minute AMRAP of: 10 CTB pull
Wednesday, May 8 2013
WOD: A. In 15 minutes, establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk B. 12 minute ascending AMRAP of: 1 ground to overhead 135/95 1 T2B 2 ground
Tuesday, May 7 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 E2MOM B 10 minute AMRAP of: 5 DL 185/125 200m sprint CFHSV Running and Endurance WOD 4 x 400m, rest 3 minutes between sets
Saturday, May 4 2013
WOD: 30 min AMRAP of: 15 hand-release push ups 15 KBS 32/24kg 15 ab-mat anchored wall ball sit-ups 20/14 1 rope climb CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 5k
Friday, May 3 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 1000m row 10 muscle ups 100 double unders 10 muscle ups 25 burpees 10 muscle ups *****REMINDER* Our first
Thursday, May 2 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat E2MOM 5-5-5-5 B. 3 rounds for time of: 200m run 100m walking lunge 50 squats *REMINDER* Our first CFHSV Running & Endurance class
Tuesday, April 30 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 25 ab-mat sit-ups anchored 25 OHS 45/35 1200m run 50 ab-mat sit-ups anchored 50 front squats 45/35 800m run
Wednesday, May 1 2013
* WOD: A. Spend 20 minutes warming up and working on HSPU Ring Dips Push-ups B. “JT” 21-15-9 reps for time of: HSPU Ring Dips Push-Ups In honor
Monday, April 29 2013
WOD: A. Sumo Deadlift: 2-2-2-2-2 E2MOM B. 4 x 500m row sprints rest 3-4 minutes between efforts
Sunday, April 28 2013
WOD: “Garrett” 3 rounds for time of: 75 squats 25 HSPU 25 L-pull ups *This WOD calls for ring HSPU. We will conduct regular HSPU for
Saturday, April 27 2013
WOD: 4 rounds for time of: 5 push press 95/65 10 SDHP 95/65 15 hand release push ups 20 KBS 24/16 *REMINDER* Handstand Push Up Workshop today
Friday, April 26 2013
WOD: For time: 400m run 21 deadlift 155/105 15 hang power clean 155/105 9 push jerk 155/105 800m run 9 push jerk 155/105 15 hand power
Wednesday, April 24 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working on muscle ups B. In 10 minutes, achieve a tough 1 rep squat snatch C. “Amanda” Complete the following for
Monday, April 22 2013
WOD: Each minute on the minute for 3o minutes or as long as possible: 3 squat cleans 95/65 4 push press 95/65
Sunday, April 21 2013
WOD: “Hortman” Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of: 800m run 80 squats 8 muscle ups Enlarge image U.S. Army Captain John D.
Saturday, April 20 2013
WOD: A. Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1 E3MOM B. 12-9-6-3 reps for time of: power snatch 95/65 burpees *MUSCLE UP WORKSHOP* 11am-12pm There will be muscle-ups coming up in both
Friday, April 19 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 25 OH walking lunges 20/14 ball 25 WBS 20/14 10′ 250m row 25 T2B 25 WBS 20/14 10′ 250m
Thursday, April 18 2013
WOD: A. Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. 15 minute AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 pull ups 15 hand release push ups 20 ab-mat sit-ups un-anchored *REMINDERS*Muscle-up workshop this
Wednesday, April 17 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat 5-10-20-10-5 E3:30MOM B. 5 minute AMRAP 400m run max reps burpee box jumps 24″/20″ *REMINDERS*Muscle-up workshop this Saturday, April 10 at 11am (sign up
Tuesday, April 16 2013
WOD: A. 30 Turkish get ups (15 each arm) not for time B. 2 rounds for time of: 100 double unders 50 shoulder to overhead 95/65
Monday, April 15 2013
WOD: A. Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1 E2:30MOM B. 15 minute AMRAP 10 KBS 32kg/24kg 10 box jumps 24″/20″ 10 ring dips
Sunday, April 14 2013
WOD: “Joshie” 3 rounds for time of: 21 dumbbell/kettlebell snatch right arm 40#/30# or 16kg/12kg 21 L-pull-ups 21 dumbbell/kettlebell snatch left arm 40#/30# or 16kg/12kg 21
Saturday, April 13 2013
WOD: 7 rounds for time of: 7 push jerk 155/105 7 CTB pull-ups 7 burpees
Friday, April 12 2013
WOD: A. Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2 E2:30MOM B. Sprint WOD: Complete AFAP for time: 250m row 10 hang squat clean thrusters 95/65 rest approximately 3 minutes
Thursday, April 11 2013
WOD: A. 10 minute double under work and warm up B. Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1-1 E3MOM C. 7 minute AMRAP 7 DL 315/205 14 one legged squats (7
Wednesday, April 10 2013
WOD: “Nicole” 20 minute AMRAP: 400m run max reps pull-ups (without coming off the bar) Score is total number of pull-ups completed for each round
Monday, April 8 2013
WOD: A. Shoulder Press 4-4-4-4 E3MOM B. Push Press 3-3-3-3 E3MOM C. Push Jerk 1-1-1-1 E3MOM
Sunday, April 7 2013
WOD: “The Chief” Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 power cleans 135/95 6 push ups 9 squats rest 1 minute Repeat for a total of
Saturday, April 6 2013
OPEN WOD 13.5 4 minute AMRAP of: 15 thrusters 100/65 15 CTB pull ups *4 minute bonus for every 90 reps completed For Masters 55+ 4
Friday, April 5 2013
WOD: A. Three rounds for time of: 800m run rest 2 minutes B. Complete the following for time in any order and partition as necessary: 50
Thursday, April 4 2013
OPEN WOD 13.5 4 minute AMRAP of: 15 thrusters 100/65 15 CTB pull ups *4 minute bonus for every 90 reps completed For Masters 55+ 4
Wednesday, April 3 2013
WOD: A. 20 minutes kettle bell technique work B. Complete the following for time: 400m run 10 right arm KB snatch 24kg/16kg 10 left arm KB
Tuesday, April 2 2013
WOD: A. Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3 E2MOM B. Complete the following for time: 500m row 1 rope climb 50 shoulder press (strict) 45/35 2 rope climbs 500m
Monday, April 1 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2 E2MOM B. 3 rounds for time of: 30 pull ups 30 deadlifts 155/105 30 box jumps 24/20
Saturday, March 30 2013
CFHSV CF Open Workout 13.4 7 minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean and jerk 135/95lbs Masters 55+ 115/65lbs 3 Toes-to-bar 6 Clean and jerk 6 Toes-to-bar 9
Friday, March 29 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 15 thrusters 135/95 200m run 20 thrusters 95/65 400m run 30 thrusters 65/45
Thursday, March 28 2013
CFHSV CF Open Workout 13.4 7 minute AMRAP of: 3 Clean and jerk 135/95lbs Masters 55+ 115/65lbs 3 Toes-to-bar 6 Clean and jerk 6 Toes-to-bar 9
Wednesday, March 27 2013
WOD: A. 1.1 Cluster of 1 power clean to 1 hang squat clean E3MOM for 18 minutes B. 10 minute AMRAP of: 1 power clean
Tuesday, March 26 2013
WOD: A. Sumo Deadlift: 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. 4 minute AMRAP 500m row max reps burpee over the box jumps rest 4 minutes 4 minute AMRAP
Monday, March 25 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time: 75 HSPU or 75 strict barbell press 95/65 *At the beginning of each minute perform 20 double unders
Sunday, March 24 2013
WOD: “Griff” For time: Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwards Run 800 meters Run 400 meters backwards Post time to comments. Enlarge image In honor