Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT HUNTSVILLE

The Blog

If you need to reference old Blog Post Comments please reference the blog post on the link below:

Monday, 13 August, 2012

Warm-up: 10 Minute double under drill Workout: For time: Run 1600 meters 150 Double-unders 50 Burpees Run 800 meters 100 Double-unders 35 Burpees Run 400 meters 50 Double-unders

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Monday, 6 August, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter row 200 Meter run Workout: “Michael” Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters 50 Back Extensions 50 Sit-ups Post time to comments. Powerlifting: A. Squat

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Sunday, 5 August, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 4 Inch worm push ups 8 Box jumps Workout: “Brenton” Five rounds for time of: Bear crawl 100 feet Standing broad-jump, 100

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Saturday, 4 August, 2012

Workout: 21-15-9 reps for time of: Hang squat clean, 50 pound dumbbells Handstand push-ups Post time to comments. Compare to 050625. WOD Demo with Josh Everett

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Tuesday, 31 July, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 3 Rounds: 5 BB deadlift 5 BB hang squat clean thrusters Rest 45 seconds Workout: “CrossFit Total” Back squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1

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Sunday, 29 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 4 Rounds: 4 PVC Pass throughs 4 PVC Overhead squats 4 PVC Sotts press 4 Kipping swings Workout: “Ryan” Five rounds for time of:

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Friday, 27 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter Indian run 4 Rounds: 2 Parallette shoot throughs 4 Sots press 6 Ring rows Workout: Five rounds for time of: 15 foot L-rope climb, 1

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Thursday, 26 July, 2012

Warm-up: 250 Meter row 2 Rounds: 3 Kettlebell Deadlifts 3 Kettlebell Sumo deadlift high pull 3 Kettlebell swings 3 Kettlebell Goblet squats 3 Kettlebell Push ups Workout: Clean

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Wednesday, 25 July, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run Teams of 2 complete the following: 100 Single unders 50 kettlebell swings 200 Meter run Workout: Five rounds for time of: 75 pound Push

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Monday, 23 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 30 Second row 30 Second push ups 30 Second lunges 30 Second rest Workout: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20

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Sunday, 22 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 2 Rounds: 6 Reboudning box jumps 6 Toes through rings 6 Ball slams Workout: “McGhee” Complete as many rounds in 30 minutes as you

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Tuesday, 17 July, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row 3 Rounds: 5 Medicine ball squat cleans 10 Walking sampson stretch lunges 50 meter run Workout: Five rounds for time of: 135 pound Power

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Sunday, 14 July, 2012

Workout: “CrossFit Games 2012 Masters WOD 3” For time: Row 1K 30 Cleans, 135/95# 50 Burpees Catch up with Fortunato after Friday night’s workout

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Saturday, 13 July, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minutes of hip mobility/AROM stretching 5 Minute AMRAP @50% 10 Ball slams 10 Second static ring dip hold 100 Meter run Workout: Three rounds for time:

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Friday, 12 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 2 Rounds: 6 Kettlebell deadlifts 6 Kipping swings 6 Kettlebell snatch Workout: “Helen” Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell

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Thursday, 12 July, 2012

Warm-up: 8 Sets: 20 Second row @high effort 10 Second row @easy effort 5 Minutes of practice on Handstand holds Workout: A. Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Gretchen Kittelberger

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Wednesday, 10 July, 2012

Warm-up: 2 Rounds: 30 Second single unders Rest 30 seconds 30 Second double-under attempts Rest 30 seconds 30 Second Kettlebell swings Rest 30 seconds Workout: For time: 400

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Tuesday, 10 July, 2012

Warm-up: 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Indian Run 10 Second Curly Ball on Parallettes 5 Perfect push ups Workout: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes 200

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Monday, 9 July, 2012

Warm-up: 2 Rounds: 200 Meter run 5 Jump squats 5 Kipping swings Workout: 2012 CrossFit Games Regional: Individual Event 4 For time: 135 pound Back squat, 50 reps

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Sunday, 8 July, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 8 Tire jumps 8 Mountain climbers 5 Minutes of review on GHD sit ups Workout: “Hansen” Five rounds for time of: 2 pood Kettlebell

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Saturday, 7 July, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 10 Minute double under drill Burgener warm up Workout: 2012 CrossFit Games Regional: Individual Event 5 Complete the following every minute for as long

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Friday, 6 July, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row 3 Rounds: 6 Shoulder touches 8 GHD sit ups 10 Jump squats Workout: A. Hang Power Clean – 3 tough reps every minute on

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Thursday, 5 July, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minutes of agility drills 3 Rounds: 3 DB man makers 50 Meter sprint *Sprints are to increase speed each round Workout: 4 Rounds for time: 10

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Tuesday, 3 July, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 6 Barbell deadlifts 6 Barbell front squats 6 Barbell push press Rest 30 seconds Workout: A. Deadlift 5 x 5; Rest 5:00

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Sunday, 1 July, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row Demo/Review of each movement for the workout Workout: “Lumberjack 20” 20 Deadlifts (275lbs) Run 400m 20 KB swings (2pood) Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats

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Saturday, 29 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 10 Partner wall ball shots 5 Partner handstand kick ups Workout: 21-15-9 rep rounds for time of: Sumo deadlift high pull @95/65#

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Thursday, 28 June, 2012

Warm-up: 4 Sets: 30 Second run @50% 30 Second run @85% 3 Rounds: 6 Alternating partner medicine ball cleans 3 Inch worms Workout: 2012 CrossFit Games Regional: Individual

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Monday, 25 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 3 Dumbbell manmakers 3 Pull ups Workout: A. Bench press 3-3-3-3-3 reps. B. Bench Press Max reps x 2 attempts @BW(males)/66% BW(females) Powerlifting: A.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row 3 Rounds: 4 Jump squats 4 Parallette push ups 4 Barbell shoulder press Workout: “J.J.” For time: 185 pound Squat clean, 1 rep 10

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Friday, 22 June, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minutes of agility drills 2 Rounds: 5 Kipping Swings Wall 2 Wall bear crawl 5 Second handstand hold Workout: For time: Run 800 meters 10 rounds

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Thursday, 21 June, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row 3 Rounds: 15 Walking lunges 10 Hip extensions 5 Inch worms Workout: Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 060930. WOD

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Tuesday, 19 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter row 3 Rounds: 6 Unbroken Wall ball shots 6 Ring rows 12 Walking lunges Workout: For time: Run 400 meters 95 pound Thruster, 21 reps

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Sunday, 17 June, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 8 Minute review on Double unders Instructor led group calf stretches 10 PVC pass throughs Workout: “Annie” 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of: Double-unders

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Friday, 15 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run or 500 Meter row 4 Rounds: 3 Burpee pull ups Wall to wall fanny kickers Workout: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: Chest-to-bar pull-up Box

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Thursday, 14 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 3 Over the box jumps 6 Hand release push ups 9 Medicine ball squat cleans Workout:“Partner Filthy Fifty” For time: 50 Box

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Tuesday, 12 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter Indian run 3 rounds: 6 kipping swings 6 rebounding box jumps 6 shoulder touches Workout: Five rounds for time of: Handstand walk 25 yards 50

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Sunday, 10 June, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minutes of shoulder/hip mobility Bear Complex – 3 Rounds starting with an empty barbell 5 Minutes of instruction on the kip Workout: “Pheezy” Three rounds for

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Saturday, 9 June, 2012

Workout: “Hope” Three rounds of: Burpees 75 pound Power snatch Box jump, 24″ box 75 pound Thruster Chest to bar Pull-ups “Hope” has the same format

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Friday, 8 June, 2012

Warm-up: 15 Minutes of instructor led agility/sprint drills Workout: Run 5K Post time to comments. Compare to 120115. * There will be 1 mile and 2 mile options

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Thursday, 7 June, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter Indian run 4 Minute AMRAP @50% effort 5 Partner tire flips 10 Partner push ups 20 Second jump rope Workout: “Partner WOD” 20 Minute AMRAP

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Tuesday, 5 June, 2012

Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch 5 Minutes of active ROM hip and hamstring drills Workout: Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 111014. WOD Demo with

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Monday, 4 May, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minutes of foam rolling/mobility 8 Minute amrap @50% effort 4 Barbell front squats 4 Barbell push press 4 Ball slams 200 Meter run Workout: 155 pound

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Sunday, 3 June, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minute run/row @moderate pace 5 Minutes of hip/shoulder mobility 3 Rounds: 3 DB snatch/arm (focus on quick transition b/t arms)- Increase load each set

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Friday, 1 June, 2012

Warm-up: 5 Minute group med ball toss 10 Minute instructor led agility drills/cone drills Box jump gauntlet Workout: A. Rack Jerk 3-3-2-2-1; Rest 3-5:00 B. 1 Minute drills

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Wednesday, 30 May, 2012

Warm-up: 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Indian Run 5 Rebounding box jumps 10 Dumbbell push press Workout: “Barbara” Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40

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Tuesday, 29 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: P1: 6 Parallette burpees P2: Single unders/Double unders Workout: Five rounds for time of: 40 Double-unders 30 Box jumps, 24 inch box

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Sunday, 27 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 50 Single unders 10 Medicine ball chest passes w/partner 50 Single unders 10 Medicine ball squat throws w/partner 50 Single unders 10

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Saturday, 25 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run Instructor led warm up Workout: “21 Guns – A Memorial Salute” Partner #1: 21 Pull-ups 21 Burpee Box Jumps (20″ Rxd) 21 Firemans Carry Back

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Friday, 25 May, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 2 Rounds done w/partner: P1: 350 Meter row 5 Ball slams 5 Jump squats 5 Partner anchored sit up P2: Rest Workout: A. Hang

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Thursday, 24 May, 2012

Warm-up: 90 Seconds of single unders 90 Seconds of double unders 3 Rounds: 4 Wall Squats 4 PVC pass throughs 4 Non kipping knees to elbows Workout: A.

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Wednesday, 23 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 6 KB Sumo deadlift high pull 4 Kettlebell swings 2 Floor levers Workout: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds for time of: Hang Power Snatch,

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Tuesday, 22 May, 2012

Warm-up: 250 Meter row 3 Rounds: 9 Air squats 6 GHD sit ups 3 Parallette shoot throughs Workout: 9-6-3 reps for time of: 165 pound Thruster Muscle-up Neal

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Monday, 21 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 4 Barbell Deadlifts 4 Strict barbell shoulder press 4 Barbell good mornings 4 Clapping push ups Workout: “Diane” 21-15-9 reps of: 225

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Sunday, 20 May, 2012

Warm-up: 250 Meter row 3 Rounds: 100 Meter run 4 Dumbbell man makers Workout:“Chelsea” Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups,

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Saturday, 19 May, 2012

Warm-up: 250 Meter row 3 Rounds (increase each round): 3 Russian KB swings/arm 3 Hang Power Clean/arm 3 Push Jerk/arm Workout: Five rounds for time of: Turkish Get-up,

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Friday, 18 May, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 3 Rounds: 30 Second jump rope 30 Second sit ups 30 Second alternating jump lunges 30 Second rest Workout: Three rounds for time of:

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Wednesday, 16 May, 2012

Warm-up: 500 Meter row 2 Rounds w/partner: 200 Meter med ball run 8 Partner wall ball shots 8 Partner wall ball sit ups Workout: “Lynne” Five rounds for

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Tuesday, 15 May, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter backwards run 2 Rounds: 2 Diamond push ups 2 Tricep push ups 2 Wide arm push ups 6 V-ups 50 Meter run Workout: “Partner WOD”

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Monday, 14 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter Indian Run 3 Attempts Max rep Double unders (rest as needed between attempts) Workout: 3 Sets @95-97% effort 20 Unbroken Thrusters, 95/65# 400 Meter row

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Sunday, 13 May, 2012

Warm-up: 200 Meter run 3 Rounds: 150 Meter row 5 Medicine ball clean wall ball shots 5 Jumping pull ups *Damper increases each round Workout: “Badger” Complete three

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Friday, 11 May, 2012

Warm-up: 250 Meter row 2 Rounds: 10 Second Handstand hold 5 Russian step ups/leg 10 Second ring L-sit 5 Parallette jumps Workout: 5 Rounds for time: 5 Wall

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Thursday, 10 May, 2012

Warm-up: 400 Meter run 3 Rounds: 3 Strict Pull ups (or attempts) 6 Kettlebell Wall ball shots 9 Hip Extensions Workout: 21-15-9 reps for time of: 225 pound

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3050 Leeman Ferry Rd, Huntsville, Alabama 35801

(256) 408-5990


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