Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT HUNTSVILLE
The Blog
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Wednesday, 5 October, 2011
Warm-up: 5 rounds of: 15 second row @ 70%, 15 second row @ 80%, 15 second row @ 90%; Followed by 30 seconds of push-ups 30
Tuesday, 4 October, 2011
Warm-up: 6 turkish get-ups, 5 pvc OHS, 4 mountain climbers; Rest 20 seconds x 5Workout: “Joshie” Complete three rounds for time of: 40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 21
Monday, 3 October, 2011
Warm-up: 1 minute of max rep push-ups Workout: Find a 1RM Snatch. Rest as needed between lifts + A1: Glute ham raises 5 x 10 @20×1; Rest 30
Sunday, 2 October, 2011
Workout: CrossFit Games Event 10 For time: 20 calorie Row 30 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball 20 Toes to bar 30 Box jumps, 24″ box 20
Saturday, 1 October, 2011
Workout: Three rounds for time: 7 Front Squats (Male 70% bodyweight, Female 50% bodyweight) pulled from the floor 400 Meter Run 14 Hand Release Push-Ups 28
Friday, 30 September, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by 4 cycles of the following: 20 seconds of wall balls, 20 seconds of mountain climbers, 20 seconds of tuck jumps,
Thursday, 29 September, 2011
Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch Workout: A. Deadlift 5 x 3 @20×0; Rest 2:30 B1: Barbell good morning 4 x 12-15 @2121; Rest 20 seconds B2: Russian step-ups
Wednesday, 28 September, 2011
Warm-up: Spend 5 mintues BEFORE class and the first 5 minutes of class on a generic warm-up. Row/Run, light squat cleans, shoulder presses, etc…Workout: “Santiago” Seven rounds
Tuesday, 27 September, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minute row at conversational pace. Focus on core to extremity pull. Legs/Hips/Shoudlers THEN arms. Workout: A. Bench Press 2.2.2. @30×1; Rest 2:30 x 4 B. Hang
Monday, 26 September, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of high intensity sprint drillsWorkout: Run 5K Post time to comments. Compare to 110816. Cool-down: Instructor led partner stretchesPowerlifting: A. High bar back squat 6 x 4-6
Sunday, 25 September, 2011
Workout & Benchmarks: “Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups Dave Lipson: 32/40-25/40-20/41-24/39-22/30 at 205lbs. Austin Malleolo: 23/43-18/43-13/33-13/26-12/20 at 165lbs. Spencer
Saturday, 24 September, 2011
Workout: For time: 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 GHD Sit-ups Sprint 50 yards 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15
Friday, 23 September, 2011
Warm-up: 30 seconds of straight leg bear crawl followed by 30 seconds of single-unders. Rest 30 seconds x 4 Workout: 5 Heavy TnG Power Cleans 10 Burpees 45
Thursday, 22 September, 2011
Warm-up: Agility ladder drills followed by max height box jump Workout: A: Split Jerk – work up to a 1RM. Rest as needed between efforts B: Dumbbell split
Wednesday, 21 September, 2011
Warm-up: 15 seconds of pvc pipe OHS, 15 seconds of handstand hold, 15 seconds of push-ups, 15 seconds of walking lunges. Rest 45 seconds x 4 Workout: Starting
Tuesday, 20 September, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minute easy warm-up jog. Followed by 1 power snatch every minute on the minute for ten minutes. Workout: Five rounds for time of: 35 Double-unders Run
Monday, 19 September, 2011
Warm-up: 20 seconds of ball slams, 20 seconds of wall balls, 20 seconds of med ball cleans; Rest 1 minute x 3 Workout: With a 6 minute running
Sunday, 18 September, 2011
Workout & Benchmarks: “Fight Gone Bad!” Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20″
Saturday, 17 September, 2011
Workout: Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets. Pat Barber:
Friday, 16 September, 2011
Warm-up: 100m run, 30 seconds of barbell thrusters, 30 seconds of ring rows. Rest 30 seconds x 4 Workout: Four rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 95
Thursday, 15 September, 2011
Warm-up: 30 seconds of mountain climbers, 30 seconds of a handstand hold/walk practice, 30 seconds of barbell deadlifts; Rest 1:00 x 3 Workout: With a ten minute running
Wednesday, 14 September, 2011
Warm-up: 15 seconds of walking lunges followed by 15 seconds of double-unders followed by 15 seconds of rest; Repeat 8 timesWorkout: Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat Run
Tuesday, 13 September, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of dynamic hip warm-up followed by instructor led group sprint work Workout: Resting 60 seconds between sets: Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Post load(s) to comments. Cool-down: 3 x 12
Monday, 12 September, 2011
Warm-up: 400m run followed by 3 rounds of tabata squats and bear crawlsWorkout: For time: 25 Walking lunge steps 20 Pull-ups 50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
Sunday, 11 September, 2011
Workout: 2001 meter row 11 Box jumps 36/24″ 11 Thursters 125/85# 11 Burpee chest to bar pull-ups 11 Power clean 175/120# 11 Handstand push-ups 11 Kettlebell
Saturday, 10 September, 2011
Workout: Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Post loads to comments. Compare to 110329. “Handstand Virtuosity: Part 1” with Laurie Galassi, CrossFit Journalpreview video [wmv] [mov] “Elbows High and Outside”
Friday, 09 September, 2011
Warm-up:5 minutes with a trigger point ball to the t-spineWorkout:“Nate”Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:2 Muscle-ups4 Handstand Push-ups8 2-Pood Kettlebell
Thursday, 08 September, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of rack position mobility Workout: Front squat 5 x 3 @ 12×1; Rest 3 minutes between each set A1: Barbell good mornings 3 x 10-12
Wednesday, 07 September, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of active ROM hip, sprint, and change of direction drills Workout: 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: 135 pound Power clean Bar-facing burpee Jesse Bazarnick 4:42,
Tuesday, 06 September, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of active shoulder stretching followed by “The scratch test”Workout: Weighted pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps Dave Lipson 105-115-135-145-155(x2)lbs at 205lb BW. Post loads and body weight
Monday, 05 September, 2011
Warm-up: In a few short sets work up to a heavy 1 rep push press….NOT a 1 RM Workout: In groups of 2 complete the following for time:
Sunday, 04 September, 2011
Workout: Eight rounds for max reps of: 75 pound Push press, 20 seconds Rest 10 seconds Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds Rest 10 seconds Jesse Bazarnick
Saturday, 03 September, 2011
Workout: For time: 800m run Deadlift 225#, 21 reps 800m row Dumbbell thruster 55#, 21 reps 800m run “Sterling’s Story Part 1: A Preventable Tragedy?”, CrossFit
Friday, 02 September, 2011
Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch Workout: “CrossFit Total” Back squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep Kevin Hare: Squat 365, Press 155, Deadlift 500. Total
Thursday, 01 September, 2011
Warm-up: Sprint and agility drills followed by 10 minutes of clean practice Workout: Five rounds of: 3 Cleans 20 Burpees Jerry Hill 7:41 at 205lbs, Meg Carlson-Hixson 9:40
Wednesday, 31 August, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by 10 minutes of rope climb practice Workout: Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: 15 Wall ball shots, 20
Tuesday, 30 August, 2011
Warm-up: 2 minutes of the following: 15 second row sprint, 3 burpees as fast as possible Workout: 10 Rounds for time: 500 Meter row 15 Burpees Cool-down: Breathe! “Cooking With
Monday, 29 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of shoulder mobility followed by sprint and agility drills Workout: “Nancy” 5 rounds for time of: 400 meter run 95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Sunday, 28th August, 2011
Workout: Five rounds for time of: 185 pound Deadlift, 15 reps 15 Toes to bar Jenn Jones 6:27 (135lb DL), Kim Malz 6:53 (135lb DL), James
Saturday, 27th August, 2011
Workout: Five rounds for time of: 40 Double-unders 30 Box jumps, 24 inch box 20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood Jesse Bazarnick 9:32, Austin Malleolo 9:52, Denise
Friday, 26 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of practice on the Turkish get-up Workout: 7 Rounds each for time of: 3 Heavy touch and go deadlifts 6 Burpees 100 meter sprint Rest
Thursday, 25 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of shoulder mobility. Workout: Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps Dave Lipson: 165-185-192-197-202(x4)lbs. Post loads to comments. Compare to 110703. Cool-down: 3 x 10 Kettlebell bottoms up 3 x
Wednesday, 24 August, 2011
Warm-up: 10 skin the cats followed by 10 minutes of practice on the muscle-up transition Workout: Three rounds for time of: 12 Muscle-ups 75 Squats Austin Malleolo 7:40,
Tuesday, 23 August, 2011
Warm-up: Junk yard dog warm-up followed by 10 minutes of practice on the Snatch. Workout: “Isabel” For time: Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds
Monday, 22 August, 2011
Warm-up: 400 meter indian run followed by 5-10 minutes of jump rope practice Workout:Run 400 m @ 70% rest 1 min Run 400 m @ 80% rest
Sunday, 21 August, 2011
Workout: “Bradley” 10 rounds for time of: Sprint 100 meters 10 Pull-ups Sprint 100 meters 10 Burpees Rest 30 seconds Kristan Clever 19:36, Rebecca Voigt 21:31.
Saturday, 20 August, 2011
Workout: Run 5K Post time to comments. Compare to 110209. “P-bar Man Test” at CrossFit Santa Clara – video [wmv] [mov]“Burning Runner: An Inside Look Into CrossFit
Friday, 19 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of the following: 5 hollow rocks, 5 kipping swings, 5 push-ups. Followed by 10 minutes of practice on the kipping pull-up Workout: With a continuously
Thursday, 18 August, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss Workout:“The Lumber Jack” 1 Minute of Squat Cleans (95lbs/65lbs) =1pt for each rep 3min rest 1 Minute of Squat Cleans (135lbs/95lbs) = 3pts for
Wednesday, 17 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of shoulder mobility followed by the Burgener warm-up. Workout: Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post loads to comments. Compare to 110314. Cool-down: 20 Front Levers, slow and
Tuesday, 16 August, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of shoulder mobility followed by 3 minutes of the following: 5 PVC front squats, 15 second FLR Workout: “Gator” Eight rounds for time of: 185
Monday, 15 August, 2011
Warm-up: POSE running drills followed by 10 minutes of practice on the deadlift. Workout: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 400 meter run 5
Sunday, 14 August, 2011
Workout & Benchmarks: “Tabata This!” Tabata Row Rest 1 minute Tabata Squat Rest 1 minute Tabata Pull-up Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-up Rest 1 minute Tabata
Saturday, 13 August, 2011
Workout: Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 100906. “The Week Before the Games” with Ben Hollingshaus, CrossFit Journalpreview video [wmv] [mov] “Cooking
Friday, 12 August, 2011
Warm-up: Front Lever practice followed by 10 minutes of review on the C2 Rower Workout: Four rounds for time of: Row 500 meters Rest 3 minutes (actively) Post
Thursday, 11 August, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by Burgener Warm-up Workout: CrossFit Games Masters Chipper For time: 10 Handstand push-ups 20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball to 10′ target
Wednesday, 10 August, 2011
Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch followed by 3 minutes of the following: 5 pvc pipe deadlifts, 5 Handstand kick-ups Workout: 5 Rounds each for time of: 10 Heavy
Tuesday, 09 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of practice on the double-under followed by 5 minutes of the following: 5 wall balls, 5 ring rows, 5 kipping swings. Workout:5 Rounds: 20
Monday, 08 August, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of the following sequence: 5 sit-ups, 5 burpees, 5 wall ball shots Workout: CrossFit Games Event 10 For time: 20 calorie Row 30 Wallball Shots,
Sunday, 07 August, 2011
Workout: “Grace” 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments. Benchmarks: “Grace” 135
Saturday, 06 August, 2011
Workout:Row 1K @ 97-100% 25 Hand release push-ups rest 5 min Row 1K @ 97-100% 25 Hand release push-ups rest 5 min Row 1K @
Friday, 05 August, 2011
Warm-up: 3 rounds of 10-15 reps of Samson Stretch (do the Samson Stretch once each round for 15-30 seconds) Overhead Squat with broomstick Sit-up Back-extension Pull-up Dip Workout: Perform the
Thursday, 04 August, 2011
Warm-up: Sprint drills followed by working up to a heavy 1 rep deadlift NOT A 1RM Workout: For time: 5 muscle ups 245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15
Wednesday, 03 August, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by 15 minutes of practice clean and jerk Workout: For time: 15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents 145 pound Clean and jerk, 5
Tuesday, 02 August, 2011
Warm-up: 500m row followed by 5 minutes of shoulder mobility Workout: As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of: 3 Kettlebell swings 2/1.5 pood 12 Double-unders Rest
Monday, 01 August, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of agility drills followed by tire burpees then muscle-up transition practice Workout: Three rounds, 12-9- and 6 reps, for time of: 135 pound Squat clean
Sunday, 31 July, 2011
Workout: Three rounds for time of: Run 800 meters Rest 2 minutes Post time to comments. Benchmarks:“Karen” For time: 150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball Post time to
Saturday, 30 July, 2011
Workout: “Jackie” 1000 meter row 45 pound Thruster, 50 reps 30 pull-ups Post time to comments. Reminder: Gymnastics workshop today at 12:00!Thanks to everyone who made it
Friday, 29 July, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by ladder drills Workout: 5 rounds each for time of: 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches 10 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1 pood 20 Double-unders
Thursday, 28 July, 2011
Warm-up: Spend the first 15 minutes of class working up to a heavy single turkish get-up Workout: Weighted dip 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps Dave Lipson: 72-100-135-150-162-167-172-177lbs. Kevin Montoya: 70,70,75,80,90,100,115,125,135(fail)lbs. James
Wednesday, 27 July, 2011
Warm-up: 400m run followed by 10 minutes of kipping practice Workout: “Helen” Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55
Tuesday, 26 July, 2011
Warm-up: Partner med-ball run followed by 10 minutes of the burgener warm-up and explosive hip drills Workout: Three rounds for time of: 30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Monday, 25 July, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss Workout: 5 Rounds each for time of: 5 Heavy Touch and Go Deadlifts 3 rounds of: 5 Burpees 5 Box Jumps, 24″ Rest 5
Sunday, 24 July, 2011
Workout: Weighted push-up 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments.Benchmarks: “Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups Post reps for both exercises in
Saturday, 23 July, 2011
Workout: “Manion” Seven rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 135 pound Back squat, 29 reps Post time to comments. Dont forget to reserve your spot in
Friday, 22 July, 2011
Warm-up: Max distance med-ball toss followed by 10 minute double-under drill Workout: 2010 Northwest Regional Event 1 Three rounds for time of: 135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
Thursday, 21 July, 2011
Warm-up: 400m indian run followed by 10 minutes of rope climb practice Workout: 4 rounds 10 Touch and Go Push-presses 3 Rope Climbs, 20 feet 250m run Rest
Wednesday, 20 July, 2011
Warm-up: Group med ball toss followed by 3 rounds of “Cindy” Workout: “Barbara” Five rounds, each for time of: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats Rest
Tuesday, 19 July, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of shoulder mobility. 3 x 10 Back Extensions 3 x 10 barbell front squats Workout: Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps Cool-down: 5 x 5 Front Levers 3 x
Monday, 18 July, 2011
Warm-up: 5 minutes of the following: 5 abmat sit-ups, 5 barbell good mornings, 50 meter overhead barbell run Workout: Three rounds for time of: 50 pound dumbbell Waiter
Sunday, 17 July, 2011
Workout: Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Benchmarks: “Kelly” Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 30 Box jump, 24 inch box 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball Post
Saturday, 16 July, 2011
Workout: For time: 21 Pull-ups 21 Handstand Push-ups 18 Pull-ups 18 Handstand Push-ups 15 Pull-ups 15 Handstand Push-ups 12 Pull-ups 12 Handstand Push-ups 9 Pull-ups 9
Friday, 15 July, 2011
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up followed by 20 minutes of instruction on the Snatch Workout: Snatch one rep every minute on the minute for 15 minutes. Post the highest and
Thursday, 14 July, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by the band assisted hamstring stretch Workout: Five rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 145 pound Deadlift, 20 reps 20 Push-ups 145
Wednesday, 13 July, 2011
Warm-up: The “official” CrossFit Warm-up 3 rounds of 10-15 reps of Samson Stretch (do the Samson Stretch once each round for 15-30 seconds) Overhead Squat with broomstick Sit-up
Tuesday, 12 July, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of practice on the Front Lever Workout: Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads and body weight to comments. Cool-down: Max rep strict pull-ups Max rep kipping pull-ups
Monday, 11 July, 2011
Warm-up: 20 minutes of skill work on the clean and jerk Workout: “DT” Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps 155 pound Hang power clean,
Sunday, 10 July, 2011
Workout: Five rounds for time of: 15 foot L-rope climb, 1 ascent 5 Parallette handstand push-ups 45 pound barbell One-legged overhead squat, 10 reps For the
Saturday, 09 July, 2011
Workout: 1. With a 2 minute running clock, sprint 200m. Use the remaining time to complete AMRAP of Ball Slams (20/14) Rest 1 minute 2. With
Friday, 08 July, 2011
Warm-up: 3 minutes of the following: 5 explosive wall balls, 5 rebounding box jumps, 5 russian KB swings. Workout: “Morrison” 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of: Wall ball
Thursday, 07 July, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of shoulder mobility Workout: Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps Post loads to comments. Cool-down: 3 x 10 Kettlebell bottoms up 3 sets Max rep push-ups Interview with Bill
Wednesday, 06 July, 2011
Warm-up: 10 minutes of hip and shoulder mobility followed by 3 minutes of the following: 6 push-ups, 6 PVC front squats, 6 ring rows. Workout: Three rounds for
Tuesday, 05 July, 2011
Warm-up: Partner assisted hamstring stretch Workout: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps Post loads to comments. Cool-down: 3 x 10 Reverse Hypers 50 band good mornings Interview with Jon Gilson of Again Faster
Monday, 04 July, 2011
ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELLED TODAY IN CELEBRATION OF THE 4TH OF JULY This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full
Sunday, 03 July, 201
Workout/Benchmarks: For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50
Saturday, 2 July, 2011
Workout: Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 7 Handstand push-ups 12 L-Pull-ups Post rounds and fractions of rounds completed to comments. “Strengthening
Friday, 1 July, 2011
Warm-up: 4 intervals of tabata jump squats Workout: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 These are tempo squats. Take 2 seconds to descend to the bottom of the squat, have a
Thursday, 30 Jun, 2011
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up followed by sprint and agility drills Workout: For time: Run 800 meters Snatch, 30 reps Run 800 meters Cool-down: 10 minute squat test. Make it farther than
Wednesday, 29 Jun, 2011
Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by 10 minutes of Muscle-up practice Workout: For time: Run 800 meters 30 Muscle-ups Run 800 meters Cool-down: Group discussion on the paleo/zone diet