Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT HUNTSVILLE

The Blog

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Monday, 21 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 8 minutes of Hamstring and hip mobility drills, followed by 3-5 minutes of mid-line isolating movements (Think back ext, ab-mat sit-ups, good-mornings, Reverse-hypers, or GHD

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Sunday, 20 Mar, 2011

WOD & Benchmarks Class workout- “Linda” 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight Bench press: body weight Clean: 3/4 body weight Set up three

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Friday, 18 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 6 minutes of shoulder mobility work, followed by the Burgener warm-up, and then split-jerk practice Workout- Behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post loads to comments. “The Spealler

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Thursday, 17 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- Group med-ball toss, followed by kipping swing and pull-up drills Workout- Seven rounds for time of: 10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball 10 Pull-ups Compare to 101023. Cool-down- 3

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Wednesday, 16 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- Group Med-ball toss, followed by a group run. Workout- For time: Run 1 mile 100 Sit-ups 100 Back extensions Run 1 mile Mix and match back extensions

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Tuesday, 15 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- Hip mobility work, followed by squat and bench practice Workout- Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:185 pound Bench press, 3

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Monday, 14 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- Basic gymnastics warm-up: hollow rocks, push-ups, strict pulls, kipping swings, etc. Workout- With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two

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Sunday, 13 Mar, 2011

Free Class Workout- As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 20 Double-unders 15 sit-ups 10 push-ups Benchmarks Class Workout- “Chelsea” With a continually

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Saturday, 12 Mar, 2011

Workout- Ten rounds, each for time of:100 meter SprintRest 90 seconds Post times for each round to comments. Compare to 100618. “Inside a Strongman Seminar:

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Friday, 11 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 10 minutes of double-under practice Workout- As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 10 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball 1.5 pood Kettlebell

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Thursday, 10 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 8 minutes of Partner-assisted Hamstring stretch, followed by Muscle-up practice Workout- Four rounds for time of:7 Muscle-ups225 pound Deadlift, 15 repsWalking Lunge, 30 steps

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Wednesday, 09 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 10 minutes of shoulder mobility work, followed by 5 x 3 “explosive” shoulder presses with Dumbbells , gradually progressing in weight. Workout- Shoulder Press

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Monday, 07 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 10 minutes of shoulder mobility work, followed by push-press practice Workout- With a continually running clock, perform as many reps as possible in 10

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Sunday, 06 Mar, 2011

Free Class workout- 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Box jumps Push-ups Sit-ups Benchmark Class Workout- “Nancy” Five rounds for time of: 400m run 95 pound

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Saturday, 05 Mar, 2011

Workout- “McCluskey“ Three rounds of:9 Muscle-ups15 Burpee pull-ups21 Pull-upsRun 800 meters If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it. Post time

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Friday, 04 March, 2011

Warm-up- The “Junk yard dog” warm-up, followed by the Burgener warm-up Workout- Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps Post loads to comments. Cool-down- Sit quietly for

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Thursday, 03 March, 2011

Warm-up- hollow-rock practice. Then, three sets of a 5-way barbell complex consisting of deadlift, hang-clean, front-squat, press, and push-jerk. 3-5 reps of each movement, gradually

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Tuesday, 01 Mar, 2011

Warm-up- 10 minutes of Hip mobility work, followed by 3×15 stretch-band good-mornings Workout- Workout- Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 101220.

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Monday, 28 Feb, 2011

Warm up- 5 minutes of PVC snatch high-pulls, reverse hypers, and PVC overhead squats, focusing on technique and similarities between snatch pull and rowing mechanics.

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Friday, 25 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 400m run, followed by 3 minutes of – 20 foot bear-crawl, 5 push-ups, 15 air-squats Workout- “Mary“Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as

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Thursday, 24 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 400m trail run, Then- 5 minutes of group med-ball toss Workout- Five rounds for time of:45 pound barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet21 Burpees

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Wednesday, 23 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 3 x 20 reverse hyperextensions Workout- Shoulder press: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post loads to comments Cool-down: 10 minute squat test GOHEAVY workout- Deficit Deadlifts from a

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Monday, 21 Feb, 2011

Workout- “Annie“ 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:Double-undersSit-ups Post time to comments. Compare to 100813. “Universal Participation” of the 2011 CrossFit Open with Greg Glassman

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Sunday, 20 Feb, 2011

Workout- “Eva“ Five rounds for time of:Run 800 meters2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps30 Pull-ups Post time to comments. Compare to 100514. “Pistol Progressions: Parts

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Friday, 18 Feb, 2011

Warm-up-10 minutes of shoulder and hip mobility workWorkout-Five rounds of:5 Dumbbell deadlifts5 Dumbbell hang cleans5 Dumbbell push presses5 Dumbbell squatsIncrease the load each round. Rest

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Thursday, 17 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 5 minutes working bottom-of-the-squat mobility with your bottom-against-the-wall mobility drill. Then, the “junk-yard dog” warm-up, followed by the Burgener warm-up. Workout- Clean and Jerk

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Wednesday, 16 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 6 minutes of Partner-assisted Hamstring stretches. Then- 5 minutes of 7 kipping swings, 7 hollow-rocks, 7 skin-the-cats Workout- Complete as many rounds as possible

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Tuesday, 15 Feb, 2011

Warm-upThree sets of Reverse Hyperextensions mixed with three sets of ab-work. This could be Ab-mat sit-ups, GHD sit-ups, band pull-downs, or other abdominal exercises. Vary

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Monday, 14 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 5 minutes of the following Kettlebell complex, increasing weight as needed: One- arm KB DL, 5 each side One-arm KB hang-power clean, 5 each

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Satruday, 12 Feb, 2011

“Ledesma“ Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 Parallette handstand push-ups10 Toes through rings20 pound Medicine ball cleans, 15 reps Post rounds

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Friday, 11 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- A few minutes of shoulder mobility prep, then three sets of the following KB complex, 5-10 reps of each movement in order. Gradually increase

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Thursday, 10 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- 2 x 20 GHD sit-ups. Then, 10 minutes of calisthenic and agility drills Workout- “Holbrook“ Ten rounds, each for time of:115 pound Thruster, 5

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Tuesday, 08 Feb, 2011

Warm-up- Partner-assisted hamstring stretches, followed by 3 minutes of- 5 skin the cats, 5 strict pull-ups Workout- “Fran”Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time

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Monday, 07 Feb, 2011

Kelley Berger July 22nd, 1988 – February 4th, 2011 You will be dearly missed Warm-up- “Junk-yard dog” warm-up followed by 3 sets of 10 partner-assisted

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Saturday, 05 Jan, 2011

Workout- For time:225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps400 meter Run225 pound Deadlift, 18 reps400 meter Run225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps400 meter Run225 pound Deadlift, 12 reps400

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Friday, 04 Feb, 2011

Workout- For time:135 pound Thruster, 15 reps35 pound weighted Pull-up, 15 reps95 pound Thruster, 21 reps20 pound weighted Pull-up, 21 reps65 pound Thruster, 36 reps36

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Wednesday, 02 Feb, 2011

Workout- For time:20 inch Box jump, 50 repsRope climb, 5 ascents1.5 pood Kettlebell swing, 50 reps50 sit-ups40 pound dumbbell Hang power clean, 50 reps800 meter

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Tuesday, 01 Feb, 2010

Warm-up- 3 mintues of 10 exlposive wall-ball shots, 10 reverse hyperextensions. Workout- Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 100630. Next CF 101 class

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Monday, 31 Jan, 2011

Warm-up- 3 x 10 Turkish get-ups Workout- Three rounds for time of:12 Muscle-ups75 Squats Compare to 100104. Cool-down- work on some BASIC split positions CONGRATULATIONS

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Friday, 28 Jan, 2011

Warm-up-Spend 10 minutes working on Parallette drills Workout-Three rounds for time of-400m row400m sprint Rest 3-5 minutes between each round.Post splits to comments. Cool-down-The 10

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Thursday, 27 Jan, 2011

Warm-up-8 minutes of partner stretching to prepare for the Deadlift position, followed by 15 minutes of double-under practice. Workout- Three rounds for time of:275 pound

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Wednesday, 26 Jan, 2011

Warm-up-three minutes of: 20 lunge steps, 5 skin-the-cats Workout-Five rounds for time of:Run 400 meters20 Burpees15 Two-hand dumbbell Bent over row, 50 pounds each cool-down-Work

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Tuesday, 25 Jan, 2011

Workout- For time:21 L-pull-ups20 One legged squats, alternating legs18 L-pull-ups16 One legged squats, alternating legs15 L-pull-ups12 One legged squats, alternating legs12 L-pull-ups8 One legged squats,

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Monday, 24 Jan, 2011

Warm-up-3 rounds of: 10-20 seconds of L-sit, followed by 5 barbell Snatch-balances Then, the Burgener warm-up Workout-Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 repsPost loads to comments. Compare to 100325.

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Sunday, 23 Jan, 2011

Free Class- COMPETITION PREP Benchmarks class- “Helen”Three rounds for time of:400m run1.5 Pood Kettlebell swing, 21 reps12 pull-ups Post time to comments.

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Saturday, 22 Jan, 2011

Workout- Seven rounds for time of: Snatch-pull, 5 repsSnatch- Balance, 5 reps300m Run Post loads and time to comments. Question of the day: Next weekend

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Friday, 21 Jan, 2011

Warm-up-3 minutes of: 25 foot bear crawl, 5 strict pull-ups, 5 skin-the-cats Then, Practice rope-climb techniques Workout-Five rounds of:15′ Rope climb, max reps in 3

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Thursday, 20 Jan, 2011

Workout: “CrossFit Total” Back squat, 1 repShoulder Press, 1 repDeadlift, 1 rep Post total to comments. Compare to 101016. “The U-bend of life: Why, beyond

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Wednesday, 19 Jan, 2010

Warm-up:three minutes of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, cycling through two movements- Jump squats and perfect push-ups Workout: “Elizabeth“ 21-15-9 reps of:Clean

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Tuesday, 18 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:10 minutes of Hamstring mobility work, 10 minutes of practice on the C2 rower Workout: Row 2k. Rest three minutes, then accumulate 3 minutes of

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Monday, 17 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:10 minutes of shoulder-prep. Then, work up to heavy set of Push-Jerks. Workout:Five rounds of:20 GHD Sit-ups5 Push jerk Cool-down:Instructor-led group stretching “Rope Climb Advice”

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Saturday, 15 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:Group med-ball toss, followed by muscle-up practice. Workout:Three rounds for time of:6 Muscle-ups30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball12 Handstand push-ups135 pound Power clean, 15 reps

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Friday, 14 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:Run 400m. Then, Practice Hollow-rocks and move to Power clean skill-work. Workout: In teams of four, with only two members working at a time,4 minutes

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Thursday, 13 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:Row a 500m warm-up. Then, do a partner strict pull-up ladder, 1-4-1. Workout: Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Compare to 100814. Cool-down: finish with a max-set

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Wednesday, 12 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:10 minutes of double-under work. Then, for 4 minutes: 20 double-unders, 50 foot bear-crawl, 5 push-ups Workout:Five rounds for time of:10 Wall climbs10 Toes to

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Tuesday, 11 Nov, 2010

Warm-up:6 minutes of group Med-ball toss, followed by 6 minutes of partner-assisted hamstring stretching. Workout: “Rankel“ Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

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Monday, 10 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:For 5 minutes- 3 strict push-ups, 3 clapping push-ups, 10 stretch-band good-mornings. Then, 10 minutes of bench press practice. Workout:Bench-press3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps Cool-down:3 sets of 10-15

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Sunday, 09 Jan, 2011

Workout: “Fran“ Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:95 pound ThrusterPull-ups Post time to comments. Compare to 100909. Thanks to everyone who came

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Friday, 07 Jan, 2011

Warm-up: 10 minutes of OHS squat-mobility work, using the butt-to-wall squat technique and various shoulder mobilizers. Then, 3 minutes of – two laps around the

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Thursday, 06 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:5 minutes of calisthenic, footwork, and agility drills. Then, practice the clean and jerk with Dumbells of varying weight. Workout: Tug-of-warSplit into two separate teams,

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Monday, 03 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:For 5 minutes: Hand-stand kick-ups, 5 repsOne-arm KB swing, 5 reps each armmuscle-up transition practice, 5 reps Workout: “Nate” Complete as many rounds in twenty

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Tuesday, 04 Jan, 2011

Warm-up:5 minutes of med-ball toss, then 3 minutes of “Cindy”. Workout: “Murph” For time:1 mile Run100 Pull-ups200 Push-ups300 Squats1 mile Run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups,

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Sunday, 02 Jan, 2011

Workout: Seven rounds for time of:185 pound Front squat, 3 reps7 L-pull-ups Compare to 100330. Post time to comments. The Power Balance Bracelet- (do us

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Friday, 31 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:10 minutes of work improving overhead position with Lacrosse ball. Then, 10 minutes spent practicing the split landing position with a partner to help make

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Thursday, 30 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Practice OHS with PVC. Then, three minutes of: 5 double unders, 5 OHS, 5 kipping swings Workout: (scaled to fit class time-frame) “Bull“ Two rounds for

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Wednesday, 29 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:10 minutes of mobility free-for-all. Then, Group med-ball toss followed by Rowing and Bench-Press practice. Workout:With a partner and a 16 minutes on the clock:

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Tuesday, 28 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Partner-assisted Ham-string Mobility drills. Then, 30 calories on the C2 rower. Workout:“DT” Five rounds for time of:155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps155 pound Hang power clean,

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Monday, 27 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:10 minutes of Squat-therapy. Then, Burgener warm-up Workout: “Randy” 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. Cool-down: Butt-to-wall hip-opening stretches. (for your deep squat)

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Thursday, 23 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:For 5 minutes warm-up with the following tasks in order: 2-5 reps of “V”push-ups, 10-30 single unders, 5-10 squat jumps Workout: “Nuts”For time:10 Handstand push-ups250

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Tuesday, 21 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Three rounds- 20 seconds of vertical leaps, 20 seconds of strict push-ups, 20 seconds of rest.Then, Empty-barbell Clean practice, working up to work-weight for the

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Monday, 20 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Partner assisted hamstring-flexibility drills. Then,1 strict pull-up, 10 round-to-arched back good mornings2 strict pull-ups, 8 round-to-arched back good mornings3 strict pull-ups, 6 round-to-arched back good

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Sunday, 19 Dec, 2010

Workout: Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 repsPush press 3-3-3-3-3 repsPush Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. Compare to 091124. Post loads to

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Friday, 17 Dec, 2010

Workout: In order, attempt a max (and unbroken) effort at each of the following movements:max rope climbs in 1 minuteArms-only rope climbRing-dipsHandstand hold500m row400m runL-sit

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Thursday, 16 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:25 foot down-and-back run, 1 burpee25 foot down-and-back run, 2 burpees25 foot down-and-back run, 3 burpees25 foot down-and-back run, 2 burpees25 foot down-and-back run, 1

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Wednesday, 15 Dec, 2010

Warm-up: group med-ball toss, Then- Dynamic Bench-press warm-up Workout: “Lynne”Five rounds for max reps of:Body weight bench pressPull-ups Post reps for both exercises in all

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Tuesday, 14 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Move through the 10 movements included in today’s workout and perform 5-25 reps of each Workout:For time:50 Box jump, 24 inch box50 Jumping pull-ups50 Kettlebell

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Monday, 13 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Work up to a “Heavy” set of Reverse Hyper-extensions using weight, bands, or whatever means necessary. Then, 3×10 Reverse Hyper-extensions. Workout:As many rounds as possible

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Friday, 10 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Three rounds of- 10 partner med-ball sit-ups, 5 burpees, 10 squatsThen, the Burgener warm-up Workout:21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:115 pound Power snatchWallball shots, 20 pound ballKnees

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Thursday, 09 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:4 minute instructor-led terrain run. Then, 10 minutes of double-under skill work. Workout:Ten rounds for time of:15 Double-unders50 foot shuttle sprint, (25 feet down and

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Wednesday, 08 Dec, 2010

Warm-up:Calisthenic drills Workout:Clean, 1 repBench press, 1 repOverhead squat, 1 rep Clean is from the ground, power or squat. Post loads to comments. Get high

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Monday, 06 Dec, 2010

Warm-up: Row for 3 minutes, then 5 minutes of Group med-ball toss Workout:Five rounds for time of:Row 500 meters135 pound Thruster, 7 reps Cool-down:End the

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