Workout, Happening, and Updates at CROSSFIT HUNTSVILLE
The Blog
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Monday, November 18 2013
WOD: With a continually running clock starting on exact time marks, complete the following: Sprint 200m then rest At 3 minutes, sprint 200m then rest At
Sunday, November 17 2013
WOD: “The Bear Complex” 5 rounds, with 3 minutes rest between each round, of: 7 rounds of… 1 power clean 1 front squat 1 push press
Saturday, November 16 2013
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP of: 35 wall balls 20/14 10’/9′ 70 double unders 7 muscle ups or 7 double push-up burpee pull-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: run
Friday, November 15 2013
WOD: A. Power Snatch 3-2-1-1-1 E2MOM B. Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of: run 600m and 75/45
Thursday, November 14 2013
WOD: A. Speed Deadlift 10 x 2 EMOM B. 21 -15 -9 for time of: deadlift 255/175 over the bar, bar facing burpees
Wednesday, November 13 2013
WOD: A. Push Press 4 – 4 – max reps – 4 – 4 E2:30MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 3 ground to overhead155/105 6 HSPU
Monday, November 11 2013
WOD For Warriors “Armistice” A Veteran’s Day Salute** Round 1: 9 minute AMRAP 100m sprint – 11 sit-ups – 11 air squats 100m sprint – 22
Sunday, November 10 2013
WOD: “Manion” 7 rounds for time of: 400m run 29 back squats 135/95 Enlarge image First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st
Saturday, November 9 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: row/run 400m 20 pull-ups run/row 400m (opposite of last row/run) 20 pull-ups run/row 400m (opposite of last row/run) 20
Friday, November 8 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 800m run 40 OHS 75/55 100 ab-mat sit-ups unanchored 30 front squats 115/80 50 toes to bar 20 back
Thursday, November 7 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift: 6 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 E3MOM B. 10 minute AMRAP of: 5 shoulder to overhead 115/75 10
Wednesday, November 6 2013
“LIFT UP LUKE”** 5 minute AMRAP of: 4 power clean 155/105 24 double unders 10 pull-ups Lift Up Luke will unite CrossFitters and Athletes around
Tuesday, November 5 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 6 – 6 – 3 – 3 – 1-1 E3MOM B. E4MOM for 16 minutes (4 rounds) 400m run & 10/7 hand
Monday, November 4 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat 6 -6- 3 – 3 – 1 – 1 E3MOM B. 11 minute AMRAP of: 12 toes to bar 6 power snatch
Sunday, November 3 2013
WOD: “Lumberjack 20″ Complete the following for time of: 20 deadlifts 275/185 400m run 20 KBS 32kg/24kg 400m run 20 OHS 115/75 400m run 20 burpees
Saturday, November 2 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 750m row buy-in 21-15-9 rep rounds of: pull-ups pistols (alternating) kettlebell swings 70lbs (2pd, 32kgs)/35lbs (1pd, 16kgs) CFHSV Running
Friday, November 1 2013
WOD: A. 1 Power Clean EMOM for 7 minutes B. 1 Squat Snatch EMOM for 7 minutes C. 8 minute ARMAP of: 3 squat snatch 95/65
Thursday, October 31 2013
WOD: “CFHSV Halloween Horror” Complete the following for time of: 31 Jack-O-Latern swings 32kg/24kg/16kg 400m Ghost chase 31 Toes to Bar Terror 400m Pumpkin Carry 20/14
Wednesday, October 30 2013
WOD: “Angie” For time: 100 pull-ups 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups ab-mat anchored 100 squats
Tuesday, October 29 2013
WOD: A. Strength Super Sets E3MOM: deadlift 5, back squat 5, deadlift 4 ,back squat 4, deadlift 3, back squat 3, deadlift 3, back squat 3
Monday, October 28 2013
WOD: 5 rounds for reps of: 1 minute max reps front squats 75/55 (scale up to 95/65) 1 minute max reps SDHP 75/55 (scale up to
Saturday, October 26 2013
WOD: A. OHS 3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. 3 rounds for time of: 400m run 6 HSPU 7 OHS at 115/80 8 bar facing burpees CFHSV Running & Endurance
Friday, October 25 2013
WOD: A. Hang Power Clean 5-4-3-3-3 E3MOM B. Speed and Stamina training WOD: 5 rounds for time of: 10 lateral bar jumps 6 hang power cleans
Thursday, October 24 2013
WOD: 24 minute AMRAP of: 600m run (every 100m of run = 1 point/rep) 15 ring dips 50 double unders 15 hang power snatch 75/55 REMINDER: Our
Wednesday, October 23 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time in any method, breakdown or reps scheme you prefer. All reps and meters must be completed to finish. 50 parallette
Tuesday, October 22 2013
WOD: A. Clean & Jerk 3-2-1-1-1 E3MOM B. Complete 30 reps of the following complex for time of: 1 power clean to front squat, or squat
Monday, October 21 2013
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP “Cindy meets Karen” 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 WBS 20/14 10’/9′
Sunday, October 20 2013
WOD: “The Don” For time: 66 deadlifts 110/75 66 box jumps 24″/20″ 66 KBS 24kg/16kg 66 knees to elbows 66 sit-ups un-anchored with or without abmat
Saturday, October 19 2013
THANK YOU to all CFHSV athletes, friends and families who came out to support Barbells for Boobs last Saturday! So far, our team has raised
Friday, October 18 2013
WOD: A. Row sprints: row 1000m AFAP, rest 3-6 minutes as needed row 750m AFAP, rest 3-6 minutes as needed row 500m AFAP, rest 2-4 minutes
Thursday, October 17 2013
WOD: A. Hang Power Clean: 3-3-3-3 E2MOM B. “Nasty Girls” 3 rounds for time of: 50 squats 7 muscle-ups 10 hang power cleans 135/95
Wednesday, October 16 2013
TEAM WOD: In teams of 3: row 5k 75 pull-ups 75 WBS 20/14 10′ 75 barbell squats 45/35 to wallball 75 hand release push-ups 75 over
Tuesday, October 15 2013
WOD: A. Back Rack Jerk: 1-1-1-1 E2MOM Jerk: 1-1-1-1 E2MOM Shoulder Press: 5-5-5 E2MOM B. Ascending 7 minute AMRAP of: 1 HSPU 2 KBS 32kg/24kg 2
Monday, October 14, 2013
WOD: “Kelly” 5 rounds for time of: 400m run 30 box jumps 24″/20″ 30 WBS 20/14 10′
Sunday, October 13 2013
WOD: “Donny” 21-15-9-9-15-21 reps of: Deadlift 225/155 Burpees Enlarge image U.S. Army Specialist Donald L. Nichols, 21, of Shell Rock, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion,
Saturday, October 12 2013
Barbells For Boobs “Amazing Grace” 30 clean and jerks for time 135/95 WOD starts at 9am, athletes arrive at 830am to warm up. Families and friends are
Friday, October 11 2013
WOD: Backwards Filthy 50 For time: 50 double unders 50 burpees 50 WBS 20/14 10′ 50 back/hip extensions 50 push press 45/35 50 knees to elbows
Thursday, October 10 2013
WOD: A. 10 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between, any combination of: 400m run and 10 air squats OR 500m row and 10 air
Wednesday, October 9 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press 4-4-4-4-4 E3MOM 4 minute AMRAP of: butterfly ab-mat sit-ups B. Shoulder Press 4-4-4-4-4 E3MOM 4 minute AMRAP of: anchored an-mat sit-ups
Tuesday, October 8 2013
WOD: A. Strength Super Sets Back Squat 3, Thruster 3, Back Squat 2, Thruster 2, Back Squat 1, Thruster 1 E3MOM B. 3 rounds for time
Monday, October 7 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: 25 burpees 25 V-ups 25 KBS 32/24/16 200m run 20 burpees 20 V-ups 20 KBS 32/24/16 400m run 15
Sunday, October 6 2013
WOD: “Dobogai” 7 rounds for time of: 8 muscle ups 22 yard farmers carry dumbbells 50/35# or kettle bells 24/16kg Enlarge image U.S. Army Captain Derek
Saturday, October 5 2013
WOD: #1 In 3 minutes row 300m then complete with the remaining time as many power snatches at 95/65 or 115/80 rest 3 minutes #2 In
Friday, October 4 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift 7-7-7-7-7 reps E3MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 1200m run 3 rope climbs 15′ 800m run 2 rope climbs 15′ 400m
Thursday, October 3 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes finding a tough 5 TnG Power Clean to Overhead B. Even Odd OTM 14 minutes: Even = 5 Power Cleans Odd
Wednesday, October 2 2013
WOD: A. Strength Super Sets Back Squat 5, Front Squat 5, Back Squat 4, Front Squat 4, Back Squat 3, Front Squat 3: E3MOM for each
Tuesday, October 1 2013
WOD: A. Snatch Cluster of 1 power snatch to 1 hang squat snatch EMOM for 8 minutes B. 6 minute AMRAP of: 6 pull-ups (scale up
Monday September 30 2013
WOD: A. 3 x 400m Sprints E4MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 12 WBS 20/14 10′ 12 deadlift 205/135 12 strict push-ups REMINDER: The 315pm class starts
Saturday, September 28 2013
WOD: A. E3MOM TnG/Unbroken Clean and Jerk 5-5-3-3-3 B. In 3 minutes, max reps hang clean & jerk 135/95 rest 3 minutes In 2 minutes, max
Friday, September 27 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: “15/30 Chipper” 15 squat cleans 135/95 30 toes to bar 15 shoulder to overhead 135/95 30 box jumps 24″/20″
Thursday, September 26 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working on mobility and GHD sit-ups/ab-mat anchored technique. B. Spend 10 minutes building up on deadlift and determining scale weight if
Wednesday, September 25 2013
WOD: A. Snatch Training EMOM for 10 minutes 2 Squat Snatches at 65-75% B. 3 rounds for time of: In 3 minutes: row 250m run 200m
Tuesday, September 24 2013
WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and rope climb and KBS technique. B. Complete the following for time of: 10 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up
Monday, September 23 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat: in 25 minutes achieve a 5 rep max Back Squat and a 20 rep max Back Squat after the 5RM B. 5
Sunday, September 22 2013
WOD: “Helton” For time: Three rounds of: 800m run 30 reps, squat cleans 135/95 30 burpees Enlarge image U.S. Air Force Security Forces 1st Lt. Joseph
Saturday, September 21 2013
A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and hang power snatch technique B. Complete the following for time of: 21 hang power snatch 115/80 42
Friday, September 20 2013
WOD: A. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM C. In 8 minutes, complete as many burpee muscle ups or double push-up burpee pull-ups
Thursday, September 19 2013
WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and hang power clean technique B. 2 rounds for time of: 50 double unders 15 toes to bar
Wednesday, September 18 2013
WOD: Complete the following chipper for time: “25/50 Chipper” 25 pull ups 50 hand release push ups 25 hang squat clean 95/65 50 double unders 25
Tuesday, September 17 2013
WOD: A. Deadlift 3-3-2-2-2 E2MOM B. “Dead CrossFitters Jumping” 4 rounds for time of: 7 deadlift over the bar burpee 315/215 10 ring dips 35 double
Monday, September 16 2013
WOD: “Tabata Training!” Tabata air squat to wall ball rest 1 minute Tabata pull-ups rest 1 minute Tabata push-ups hand release rest 1 minute Tabata sit-ups
Sunday, September 15 2013
WOD: “Ryan” 5 rounds for time of: 7 muscle ups 21 burpees Enlarge image Maplewood, Missouri Firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, was killed by sniper fire July
Saturday, September 14 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 5-5-5-5-5 E3MOM B. Max reps 95#/65# bench press x 2 sets E3MOM C. “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of: double unders sit-ups ab-mat
Friday, September 13 2013
WOD: CFHSV Triple Triathlon Complete the following for time of: 1000m row 1 mile run 15 burpee pull ups 750m row 800m run 10 burpee pull
Thursday, September 12 2013
WOD: “CFHSV’s Growing Concerns” Complete the following for time of: 10 squat snatches 95/65 2 wall walks 15 squat cleans to overhead 135/95 4 wall walks
Wednesday, September 11 2013
WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and pull-up/CTB pull-up technique B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet: chest-to-bar pull-ups box jumps 30″/24″ WBS 20/14 10′
Tuesday, September 10 2013
WOD: Complete the following ascending chipper for time of: 100m run 10 double push-up burpee pull-ups 15 front squats 95/65 200m run 20 toes to bar
Monday, September 9 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 10-10-10-10 E3MOM B. In 4 minutes complete: Hand Release Push Ups 15/10 400m run max reps Hand Release Push Ups with remaining
Sunday, September 8 2013
WOD:“Murph” For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y.,
Saturday, September 7 2013
WOD: A. OHS 3-2-1-1-1 E3MOM B. Strict Press 10-10-10-10 E3MOM C. Complete the following for time of: 50 barbell OHS 45/35 50 barbell strict press 45/35
Friday, September 6 2013
WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility and rope climb technique B. 18 minute AMRAP of: 18 KBS 24kg/16kg (scale up 32kg/24kg) 36 double unders
Thursday, September 5 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes building up to a tough triple on deadlift B. 15 minute AMRAP of: 1200m run then in the remaining time AMRAP
Wednesday, September 4 2013
WOD: A. Behind the neck jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1 E2MOM B. 10 minute ascending AMRAP of: 1 HSPU 1 power clean 145/100 2 HSPU 2 power cleans 145/100
Tuesday, September 3 2013
WOD: A. Back Squat: in 25 minutes achieve a 20 rep max back squat and a 5 rep max back squat after the 20RM B. 4
Monday, September 2 2013
WOD: A. Spend 15 minutes working on mobility, squat, running and burpee technique B. Complete for time “Cardiac Collapse” 400m run 25 burpees 400m run 25
Sunday, September 1 2013
WOD: “Hotshots 19” 6 rounds for time of: 30 squats 19 power cleans 135/95 7 strict pull-ups 400m run SUPPORT THE FAMILIES OF THE FALLEN HOTSHOTS
Friday, August 30 2013
WOD: Complete the following for time of: run 1 mile row 1000m run 800m row 500m run 400m row 250m Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of any
Thursday, August 29 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes building up to a tough triple on Power Cleans to Front Squats B. Spend 10 minutes working on toes to bar
Wednesday, August 28 2013
WOD: With a continuously running clock: 0 minute mark complete 1 round AFAP of: 10 tough but unbroken DL (95/135/155/185/205/225/275) 400m sprint 20 KBS unbroken (8/12/16/20/24/32)
Tuesday, August 27 2013
WOD: “J.T” 21-15-9 reps of: HSPU Ring Dips Push Ups In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was
Monday, August 26 2013
WOD: A. Spend 10 minutes working up to a tough triple on deadlift and working on technique B. Spend 10 minutes working up to a tough
Sunday, August 25 2013
WOD: “CrossFit Total” 10 minute warm up 15 minutes 3 attempts at the Squat 15 minutes 3 attempts at the Press 15 minutes 3 attempts at
Saturday, August 24 2013
WOD: (for 8am and 9am classes) 1600m run 50 KBS 24kg/16kg 1000m row 45 WBS 20/14 10′ 800m run 40 pull-ups CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 2 minute
Friday, August 23 2013
WOD: A. 1 and 1/4 OHS 3-3-2-2-2 E3MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 10 burpees 25 double unders Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of any of the
Thursday, August 22 2013
WOD: A> Deadlift: 3-2-2-1-1-1 E2MOM B. Complete the following for time of: 10 deadlifts 275/185 10 pull ups 800m run 15 deadlifts 275/185 15 pull ups
Wednesday, August 21 2013
WOD: A. Spend 20 minutes working on kettle bell drills in WOD and rope climb technique B. Kettlebell Krazy “Not for the Fainthearted” males 24kg/1.5 pood,
Tuesday, August 20 2013
WOD: A. Snatch Balance 3-2-1-1-1 E2MOM B. EMOM Training for 20 minutes Odd minute = 5 power snatch (155, 135, 115, 95, 85, 75, 65, …)
Sunday, August 18 2013
WOD: “Hope” 3 rounds of: burpees power snatch 75/55 box jumps 24″/20″ thrusters 75/55 CTB pull ups “Hope” has the same format as Fight Gone Bad.
Saturday, August 17 2013
WOD: A. Squat Clean 3-2-1-1-1 E2:30MOM B. Squat Clean Training: max reps TnG/Unbroken squat cleans 95/65 rest 3 minutes max reps TnG/Unbroken squat cleans 135/95 rest
Friday, August 16 2013
WOD: A. Bench Press: 3-3-3-3-3 E3MOM B. In 3 minutes complete a 400m run At the end of the 3 minutes start: 3 minute AMRAP of:
Thursday, August 15 2013
WOD: A. Spend 20 minutes working on muscle ups and thruster technique B. COmplete the following for time of: 15 thrusters 135/95 7 muscle ups 10
Wednesday, August 14 2013
WOD: A. Turkish Get Up Training: spend 20 minutes working on and accumulating 50 Turkish get ups at a tough weight B. EMOM Training for 20
Monday, August 12 2013
WOD: A. back squat 5-5-5-5 E3MOM B. 30 seconds max reps thrusters 115/80 rest 1 minute 30 seconds max reps pull ups or muscle ups rest
Sunday, August 11 2013
WOD: “Gallant” For time: run 1 mile with a 20/14 pound wallball 60 burpee pull ups run 800m with a 20/14 pound wallball 30 burpee pull
Saturday, August 10 2013
WOD: A. In 10 minutes, build up to a 3RM TNG squat snatch B. Spend 5 minutes working on HSPU C. 14 minute AMRAP of: 5
Friday, August 9 2013
WOD: 2 rounds for time of: 1000m row 50 burpee over the box jumps 24″/20″ Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of any of the following: stretching, flexibility,