Back Squat & Front Squat E2MOM
4 Back Squat – 4 Front Squat
3 Back Squat – 3 Front Squat
2 Back Squat – 2 Front Squat
1 Back Squat – 1 Front Squat
Team WOD
18min AMRAP:
P1 = 12 Calorie Row or Bike
P2 = 18 WallBall Sit-Ups
P1 & P2 = 12 Synchronized Toes to Bar
P1 & P2 = 12 Alternating KettleBell Goblet Squats
P1 & P2 = 18 Synchronized KettleBell Swings
P2 = 12 Calorie Row or Bike
P1 = 18 WallBall Sit-Ups
KettleBell Loads = 24/16 RX+32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
WallBalls = 20/14 MRX 20/10lbs
Flexibility & Pistol Development
2x30sec Pigeon/Swan/Piriformis Stretch
2x30sec Couch Stretch or Modified Couch
2x30sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
2 sets 10-30 Pistols or Pistol Progressions
2x15sec Back Bridge/Arch
Spend 5min on banded Shoulder Stretches
Beautiful mama! You have done a fabulous job of showing up and working out during your pregnancy. We are all so excited for you, Gene, and Leo, and can’t wait to meet your beautiful little girl. ❤️
Evelyn!! Such a dedicated CrossFit mama!! And always with a smile on her face! So excited to meet your little bundle!
A beautiful picture of a great mom and a strong athlete. It is always a pleasure to see her come to class with an amazing smile, positive attitude, and calling everybody her friend!
A. Started at 135. Hit 315 BS. Failed 285 FS.
B. 4+20 rx 🚣♂️ w/ Michael
C. 🎒
Strong mama, beautiful wife, and the most amazing person! So proud of her in all she does for keeping our family going. Excited to add another little crossfitter to our crew soon! love you Evelyn! ❤️
a) Back Squat: 255 [4], 315 [3], 345 [2], 405 [1-PR, +5lbs from last week]
Front Squat: 225 (4), 255 (3), 315 (2), 345 (1)
b) 3+13 Rx Bike (solo)
Evelyn! Beautiful, strong, and always friendly! Can’t wait to meet your new little one!
Love the days I get to wod with Evelyn and the 9:15 crew – Evelyn adds such a positive light everywhere she goes ☺️
85-95, 105-110, 115-115, 120-125
3+26 Rx, solo, row
Front squat: 205(4)-225(3)-245(2)-275(1)
Back squat: 255(4)-275(3)-300(2)-330(x)
4+74 rx row w/ Chee Chee
Mama Evelyn doing the things to take care of herself and her sweet baby to come! Doing the things that will make for a “easier” delivery and a faster recovery. Proud of you sweet Mama!
4+42 RX with Brian Adkins (always good to see BA when he drops in from Colorado! We sure do miss Brian and Rosemary at CFHsV.)
back squat / front squat
4+92 rx w/ Griff
5+63 Rx w/Freeman
Evelyn!! I love this picture so much! You have been so steady in your training throughout this entire pregnancy. It’s been inspiring to watch and I absolutely cannot wait to meet this sweet little girl! If she’s anything like Leo then I will instantly be in love! I am so blessed to know this awesome family. They make CFHSV a better place every single time they walk through the door! Congrats… I am SO happy for you all!
A. BS-265 FS-225
B. 4+77 Rx Christian scaled sit-ups.
A. Back Squat: 275×4, 335×3, 365×2, 425×1
Front Squat : 245×4, 275×3, 335×2, 365×1 (X) -Failed
B. 2 + 48 w/Zac
A. BS – 275
FS: 255
B. 5+35 RX w/mandee
Back squat 4×8@235
3+54 scaled with Kohana