Thank you CrossFit Huntsville for showing up and showing out in support of Barbells For Boobs! Here are our raffle winners!
Camp Chef Grill — Jaime Day
Rogue Bella Barbell — Kiley Cochran
6 Month Gold Membership — Kyle Findley
Thank you to everyone for your donations and participation!
“Alota Tabata” by DB
For Max Reps of Each Exercise:
Tabata Pull-Ups MRX Ring Rows
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata Burpees
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 95/65 65/45lbs
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata Wallball Box Step Ups (alt legs) 30/24 – 24/20 – 20/18“ w/ 20/14lbs. 20/10lbs
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata Thrusters 75/55 95/65 65/45lbs
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata Wallball Sit-Ups 20/14lbs 20/10lbs
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9’ 20/10lbs to 9’
Rest 2 minute/rotate
Tabata is 20sec of work followed by 10sec of rest for 8 intervals or 4min. *This is 28min worth of Tabata work and 12min rest, total of 40min.
*Athletes can pick order of exercises*