Team WODs
WOD #1 “Aerobic Showdown”
2 Rounds For Time Row/Run or Bike: (10min cap)
P1 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike / slap hands
P2 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike (1 round)
WOD #2 Team WOD Sprint Rounds
3 min AMRAP:
P1 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P2 = Max Power Cleans 135/95 RX+ 165/115 MRX 95/65
Rest 1 Min
3 min AMRAP:
P2 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P1 = Max Power Cleans
Rest 1 Min
3 min AMRAP:
P1 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P2 = Max Wallball Shots 20/14 to 10/9′
Rest 1 Min
3 min AMRAP:
P2 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P1 = Max Wallball Shots
Rest 1 Min
3 min AMRAP:
P1 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P2 = Max Hang Power Cleans
Rest 1 Min
3 min AMRAP:
P2 = 400m Row/Run or 1k Bike
P1 = Max Hang Power Cleans
*On AMRAPS, Starting athlete has to complete row/run or bike before athlete 2 can start for reps*
A. 5:25 🚣♂️ w/ Big Dan Guy
B. 155 rx+ 🏃♂️ w/ Big Dan Guy
C. 🏡
5:50 row with the big rascal and Duke
178 reps, row, rx+ (20-20-44-40-29-25)
A. 5:51
B. 138 Rx + with Caleb
A. 5:27 (Row)
B. 215 RX+ (Row) w/ Griff
GB: 30 / 43 / 41
HB: 30 / 43 / 28
With my Lewie Lew
6:31 RX run
131 RX+ run (17-17-34-29-19-15)
5:14 (row)
209 Rx+ (row)
47 PC / 96 WBS / 66 HPC
3:06 2k bike
20/32/30 solo
Solo, rowing
A. 3:00
B. 78 scaled (115lbs)
21 PC/42 WBS/15 HC
Great first day back in 2024.