Snatch Cluster Build Up E2MOM x 16min
1 Snatch to 1 Hang Snatch (power or squat or both)
For Time: (20 min cap)
50 Double Unders
25 DB Snatch (alt arms) 50/35 MRX 35/20
25 Toes to Bar or Wallball Sit-Ups 20/14 MRX 20/10
100 Double Unders
50 DB Snatch (alt arms)
50 Toes to Bar or Wallball Sit-Ups
50 Double Unders
25 DB Snatch (alt arms)
25 Toes to Bar or Wallball Sit-Ups
Core & Snatch Development
25 Barbell Rows (Snatch width Grip)
25 Hip Extensions
25 Fingertip Push-Ups
1 min Bar Hang (Snack width Grip)
25 Evil Wheels
25 Barbell or PVC Sotts Press (Snatch width Grip)
25 V-Ups
0600 has claimed Matt G
A. 95-115-135-145-155-165-175(x)-175(x)
B. 16:41 rx wbsu
C. 🏡
Hang squat snatch to squat snatch:
16:29 rx
Great pic of the Gs
*Squat snatch to hang squat snatch
A. 115-115-135-145-155-165-175
B. 15:05 T2B
A. 160 ( squat for both )
B. 15:58 rx with T2B
Nice shot of Matt and Kayla enjoying their time at the gym together…love it
A. 115-185 power to squat
B. 12:53 T2B
135 squat
18:10 RX t2b
16:12 RX t2b
A. 205 Power to Squat
B. 15:50 (T2B) Scaled
Scaled dubs to Echo Cals:
15 – 25 – 15
A: PS+HPS, emom – 115-125-135 for six sets
B: 10:57, RX (wbsit-ups)