Push Press & Split Jerk E2MOM
4 Push Press – 4 Split Jerk
3 Push Press – 3 Split Jerk
2 Push Press – 2 Split Jerk
1 Push Press – 1 Split Jerk
“Mork and Mindy” by DB
3 Rounds For Time: (15min cap)
10 Ground to Overhead 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 105/70lbs
2 Rounds of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Handstand Walk & OH Development
10 Handstand Shoulder Taps Facing Wall
2 sets Handstand Walk 50’ (progressions etc.)
20 Band Pull-Aparts
100m Kettlebell Overhead Walk
20 GHD Sit-ups
100m Overhead Plate Carry/Waiter Walk *As Heavy As Possible
20 Hip Extensions
1 set Max Handstand Hold
a) 165 [4], 175 (4),
195 [3], 205 (3),
225 [2], 235 (2),
255 [1], 270 (1)
b) 8:48 Rx
A. 135-135-165-185-185-205-205-235
B. 13:50 rx+
C. 📚
A. 205 and 226
B. 13:52 Rx+
Push Press: 135(4)-165(3)-195(2)-225(1)
Split Jerk: 165(4)-195(3)-225(2)-255(1)
11:07 rx+
1/21/21: 10:31 rx+
2018: 11:20 rx
2017: 10:45 rx
2016: 13:22 rx
Happy birthday, Daniel! 🎈
A. 190 push press and 250 split jerk
B. 10:33 rx+
Michael A! Looking STRONG and eyes on the prize! Great picture of a tough athlete. Always selling out pushing his limits. Michael, keep getting the job done!
Yesterday’s WOD – 23:20rx
PP: 135(4) – 155(3) – 205(2) – 225(1)
SJ: 185(4) – 205(3) – 225(2) – 265(1)
8:45 rx
150 push press PR – 175 split jerk
9:27 RX+
8:20 Rx+
A. 165(4) – 185(4) – 225(3) – 235(3)
255 (2) – 265 (2) – 275(1) – 295 (1)
B. 7:11 RX+ (Power Snatch)
A. training
B. 9:27 RX (145lb, strict pull ups)
A. PP: 140-155-175-190
SJ: 155-175-200-210
B. 7:00 RX+
11:51 RX+
165(4)-165(4)-185(3)-185(3)-205(2)-205(2)-225(1) Push Press
2 + 21 Rx (10 fast touch-N-Go right off the bat might have been a mistake 😂😂)
6:51 rx
8:45 rx