WOD: In 10 minutes, build up to WOD weight and warm up CTB “DB’s BIG MONEY” Cash it all in on New Year’s Eve! 2 rounds for time of: 200m run 11 front squats 185/125 or 155/105 400m run 12 chest to bar pull-ups 600m run 13 cleans (power or squat) 185/125 or 155/105 800m run 14 KBS 32kg/24kg or 24kg/16kg REMINDER: We will only have TWO classes on Thursday, New Year’s Eve at 915am and 1030am. There WILL be childcare for both. All classes are canceled on Friday, January 1, New Year’s Day. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Jan 4 To place an order, click here!