Team WOD: In 2 Athlete teams: In Order
For Time:
60 Calorie Assault Bike or Row (non-working partner in bottom of Kettlebell Goblet Squat)
60 Power Clean (non-working partner in Front Rack)
60 WallBall Shots (non-working partner in plank position w/feet on wallball)
600m Run (one partner carrying wallball)
60 Pull-ups RX+ Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (non-working partner hang from bar)
60 Kettlebell 1 Arm Overhead Lunge (alt feet/stationary; non-working partner in 1 arm Overhead Lunge Position)
Barbell Weights = 135/95 RX+155/105 MRX95/65
Kettlebell Weights = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12
Wallball Shots = 20/14 to 10/9′ RX+ 20lbs to 11/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
*One Athlete in a Static Hold Position (i.e. plank, Hang from bar etc), while other athlete completes reps. Athletes can share reps as they wish. If a 3 athlete team 2 athletes will work, 1 in static position, switch.
Friday Night FIGHT! This Friday, April 26th at 515PM!
Pick your skill level — black, blue or red — and come throw down!
We are excited to include a group of our CrossFit Kids who will kick off the night!
Our regular 515pm and 615pm classes are canceled.
We WILL have childcare starting at 445pm.
YOGA is canceled today.