Warm-up: 4 Rounds: 10 Double-unders 10 Walking lunges 5 Barbell power snatches Workout:“Karibel” 10 Rounds for time 15 Wall ball shots 20/14#, 10′ Target 3 Power Snatches 135/95# Powerlifting: A. Sumo Deadlift 10 x 2 @10×0; 50% 1RM, Rest 1:00 B. Clean and Jerk 5 x 1 @85% 1RM; Rest 3:30 C1. Weighted step-ups 3 x 10/leg; Rest 1:00 C2. Glute Ham Raises 3 x 10-15 @10×0; Rest 1:00 D. Car/Truck/Prowler push 3 x 30 seconds; Rest 5:00 “CrossFit Kids Trainer Course: The Deadlift Series” by Again Faster Equipment, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] Reminder: CFHSV’s annual Christmas Party will be this Saturday at 6:00! If you plan to come please bring a side dish of your choice! We look forward to seeing everyone there!