In 15 Minutes: establish a 1RM weighted Chest to Bar Pull-up and a weighted Pull-Up (chin over bar) and 1 set Unbroken Max Reps Strict Pull-ups (perform in order listed)
5min AMRAP:
600m Row/Run or 1.5km Assault Bike
6 Bar/Ring Muscle Ups or 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or 18 Pull-Ups
Max Kettlebell Swings 32/24 or 24/16 or 20/12kgs
Rest 3min
4min AMRAP:
400m Row/Run or 1km Assault Bike
20 Kettlebell Swings
Max Bar/Ring Muscle-Ups or Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or Pull-Ups
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
200m Row/Run or 0.5km Assault Bike
4 Bar/Ring Muscle-Ups or 8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups or 12 Pull-Ups
Max Russian Kettlebell Swings