Deadlift Build Up — E2MOM
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 1
For Time: (20min cap)
30 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+255/175 MRX185/125lbs
30 Calorie Row/Bike or 600m Run
30 Wallball Sit-ups or Toes to Bar RX+ GHD WB Sit-ups
20 Deadlifts
20 Calorie Row/Bike or 400m Run
20 Wallball Sit-ups or Toes to Bar RX+ GHD WB Sit-ups
10 Deadlifts
10 Calorie Row/Bike or 200m Run
10 WallballB Sit-up or Toes to Bar RX+ GHD WB Sit-ups
Wallballs = 20/14lbs RX+20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
Core & Grip Development
10 Skin the Cats
100m Plate Pinch Carry
20 Barbell Good Mornings
100m Kettlebell Heavy Farmer’s Carry
30 Banded Good Mornings
40 Kettlebell Shrugs
A. 135-225-275-315-345-365
B. 13:38 rx 🏃♂️
C. 🏃♂️
I love and respect Misty too much to demand a formal recount of the a.m. vs p.m. Open challenge. If we indeed lost, I will buy coffee and donuts for all the a.m. classes.
14:38 rx row wb situps
A. 265
B. 17:36 plus
12:00 rx (row & T2B)
A. 125-215-305-355-395
B. 12:10 Rx Bike, wb sit-ups
A. 105 – 115 – 125 – 155 – 225
B. MRX – 13:19 (WB Sit Ups)