Snatch (squat or power; TnG on multiple reps) — E2MOM
6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1
“The Snatching Snake” by DB
5 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
200m Sidewinder Snake Sprints / Row / 0.5k Bike
5 Copperhead Snatch (power or squat)
5 Over the Rattler’ Burpees
5 Hang Hognose Snatch (power or squat)
2 Anaconda Climbs 15’ MRX 2×10’ / 1×15’
REST 1min after each Round
Barbell Weights = 115/75lbs RX+135/95 MRX 75/55
Core & Snatch Development
2×10 Right Knee to Left Elbow Plank Tucks
2×15 GHD Sit-Ups
2×10 Left Knee to Right Elbow Plank Tucks
2×10 Strict Toes to Bar
2×15 Fingertip Push-up
2×10 Kettlebell/Dumbbell One Arm Dead Snatch (from floor)
a) 75(6) – 115(5) – 125(4) – 145(x2) – 155(2) – 165(1 squat)– 170(1 squat)
b) 4+2 Rx Row (recovering from a week of the worst man cold ever)
A. 95-115-125-135-155-165(x)-165
B. 4 scaled life 🏃♂️ (strict pu)
C. 🎒
16:37 row scaled rope climbs to pullups
A. 165 185(x)
B. 18:58 rx came out strong and flu lungs got me round three…
16:35 rx, bike
(2:35, 2:20, 2:30, 2:35, 2:35)
135 squat
19:19 RX+ run
225 power
18:05 rx+
205 Squat
17:55 Rx+
18:16 rx run
A: 95(6)-115(5)-125(4)-135(3)-150(2)-165-175(x)
B: 15:23, scaled/bike (RX, but 6 pull-ups/rope climb)
Splits – 2:00/2:11/2:20/2:21/2:31
16:18 rx+
215… made some good runs at 230. Happy with it.
A. 170
B. 19:11 Rx+
A. 165
B. 18:13 MRX