Back Squat Build-up E3MOM
10 – 10 – 5 – 5 – 5
For Time: (20min cap)
2 Rounds of:
7 Overhead Squats 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
200m Run/Row or 0.5km Bike
REST 1min
2 Rounds of:
14 Front Squats
400m Row or 1km Bike
REST 1min
2 Rounds of:
21 Back Squats
200m Row or 0.5km Bike
Core & Pistol Development
2×14 Pistols Left Leg
2×14 Hip Extensions
2×14 Pistols Right Leg
2×14 Wallball Leg Lifts
2×14 Kettlebell Goblet Cossack Squats each leg
All regular classes are cancelled today due to hazardous driving conditions.
We WILL have Open Gym from 11am-2pm for any CFHSV athletes who can safely make it to the gym!
Love to Overhead Squat!!! Can we just do it every day…please!
Eugene is STRONG! And is family is beautiful 🫶🏼
Today’s workout in open gym-I miss my 5AM-ers.
5+21 RX at 20:00
(finished 20:51)
Go ahead Eugene
Yesterday’s wod
Eugene representing the 6am showing up and showing out regardless of the cold.
At home 🧊🥶🧊
5+14 Rx but oops, rested 2 min between instead of 1 <- home WOD hazards
11:16 Rx+ (row)
14:09 rx+ row
thouroughly enjoyed beating John Lang in real time
14:57 rx+
A: 185(10)-205(10)-225(5)-255(5)-280(5)
B: 13:30, RX Bike
Yesterday’s WOD
2+16 (scaled S2O to DB snatch)
2+11 (scaled box jumps to step ups)
A. 255 x 5
B, 12:38 RX+ row