WOD: A. 2 minute max calorie row rest 1 minute 2 minutes max double unders rest 1 minute 1 minute max calorie row rest 1 minute 1 minute max double unders B. EMOM for 20 minutes: 5 burpees 5 hang power clean 5 push press RX load is 50% bodyweight for men and 40% bodyweight for women (55 and over 45% / 35%) *stay on the minute for as long as possible; if you can’t keep up, sit out 1 minute and get back in* Score = weight used, total minutes completed and total rounds completed thereafter if you had to break REMINDER: We will only have TWO classes on Thursday, New Year’s Eve at 915am and 1030am. There WILL be childcare for both. All classes are canceled on Friday, January 1, New Year’s Day. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Jan 4 To place an order, click here!