Warm-up: 5 rounds of: 15 second row @ 70%, 15 second row @ 80%, 15 second row @ 90%; Followed by 30 seconds of push-ups 30 seconds of rest x 5.
Workout: 3 Sets at 97-100%: 15 Clean and Jerk TnG – Moderate weight and can be no stopping each set 200m Run 250m Row sprint Rest 10 minutes actively between sets
Cool-down: 5 minutes of instructor led foam rolling
Powerlifting:A: Weighted pull-up 5 x 3 @3010; Rest 3:00
B: Push-press 5 x 3 @21×2; Rest 2:00
C1: EROM HSPU 5 x 5; Rest 10 seconds
C2: L-pull ups 5 x AMRAP -3; Rest 1:00
“The Gymnastics Kipping Pull-Up” with Jeff Tucker, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Overreaching” with Chris Michelmore – video [wmv] [mov]