Warm-up: Group med-ball toss followed by 15 minutes of practice clean and jerk Workout: For time: 15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents 145 pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps 15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents 165 pound Clean and jerk, 4 reps 15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents 185 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps 15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents 205 pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps 15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent 225 pound Clean and jerk, 1 rep Post time to comments. Cool-down: 10 minutes of shoulder mobility Powerlifting: 3 x 15 second handstand hold 5 x 5 ring dips 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Speed Bench 3 x 8 Bent over rows 3 x 10 Barbell Shrugs Max rep bodyweight bench press “The Story of CrossFit Legacy” with Brian Yoak, CrossFit Journalpreview video [wmv] [mov] “You have no choices about how you lose, but you do have a choice about how you come back and prepare to win again.” — Pat Riley