Bench Press: 8 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 1 E3MOM 1 Round For Time Of: -20/15 Barbell Push-ups MRX 20/15 Push-ups -10 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+ 275/185 MRX 155/105 -20 Box Jumps/Step-Ups 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ Rest 2 minutes 2 Rounds For Time Of: -20/15 Barbell Push-ups MRX 20/15 Push-ups -10 Deadlifts -20 Box Jumps/Step-Ups Core Development -3 sets 10 reps Hip Extensions w/3sec pause at top -10 Ab Activators -3 sets 10 reps Sit-ups or GHD Sit-Up w/3sec pause at mid way on sit -up & parallel GHD
Our Annual Barbells For Boobs event is Saturday, October 28th! Help CFHSV repeat for the third year in a row as Alabama State Champions! Get registered today and start fundraising!!