WOD: “Presidential Priorities” by DB For time and Presidential Party: 17 Democrat Deadlifts 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) 2 Republican Rope Climbs 15′ (MRX 10′) 1 Independent 800m run 17 Congressional Power Cleans 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) 20 Senator Sit-Ups RX+ GHD sit-ups 17 Politically Correct Pull-Ups RX+ chest to bar 45 Democracy Double Unders 2 Supreme Court Squat Snatches 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) 17 Presidential Push Press 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) 1 House of Representatives 600m row 20 Trump Toes to Bar 17 Hillary HSPU RX+ strict (MRX hand release push-ups) 45 Democracy Double Unders 1 Proud to be an AMERICAN Thruster! 115/80 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) Friday, November 11th: Veteran’s Day Tribute: “3 Wise Men”Show your support for our Veterans by conducting a WOD in honor of the three Wise brothers, Jeremy, Ben, and Beau, who all served in different branches of the US Military. The 3 Wise Men Foundation strives to bring awareness to the problems our veterans face and raise funds to provide transition programs to ensure our veterans get the services they need when their time in the Military is over. There is no requirement to register and donate in order to participate in the WOD, but if you feel inclined to do so, click here! Make sure you choose CFHSV as your affiliate. We will have all regularly scheduled classes. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. nov-14 To place an order, click here!