WOD: A. E2MOM Strength Rotation Stations: 2 rounds of: Station 1: 1-5-10-15 strict HSPU, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping HSPU Station 2: 1-5-10-15 strict pull-ups/chest-to-bar, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping pull-ups/chest-to-bar Station 3: 1-5-10-15 strict dips, rest 1o seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping dips (ring or bar) Station 4: 1-5-10-15 strict toes to bar, rest 10 seconds, to 1-5-10-15 kipping toes to bar B. 10 Minute AMRAP of: 48 Double Unders 12 Strict Press 75/55 RX+ 95/65 (MRX 55/35) OR 12 Shoulder To Overhead 115/75 RX+ 135/95 (MRX 95/65) 6 Over The Bar/Lateral Burpees C. Shoulder Development: 10 Turkish Get-Ups Each Arm (light to moderate weight) Click here to sign up for Catered Fit! Delivered daily to CFHSV! Once you sign up, you will receive the menu via email weekly.