Power Clean Build Up E2MOM
10 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 1
3 Rounds For Time: (25min cap)
44 Calorie Row/Bike or 800m run
33 Push-Ups
22 Toes to Bar
11 Power Cleans 135/95 RX+ 185/125 MRX 95/65
Isometric Core Development
1min Handstand Hold
1min Hollow Hold
1min High Plank Hold
1min Iron Chair Sit with Plate
1min L-sit Hold
1min Bar Hang
Sunday, December 24th: closed
Monday, December 25th: closed
Tuesday, December 26th: classes at 8am, 9am and 10am only. All other classes canceled. We will NOT have childcare.
Yes sir! No better CFHSV athlete to represent on the first day of our new website than a man who has been throwing down with us for as long as I can remember. Don is a standout person, a hard working athlete, a true gentleman and a pillar of our community. He’s stayed the course through ups and downs, and his kind and gentle spirit has never wavered. He works hard, trains smart, and is always looking out for his friends and fellow athletes. Keep leading the way, Don!
22:15 Rx+ (row)
25:31 rx+
A. 135-185-210-225-245-260-280(x)
B. 21:06 Rx+
Don! This is what a lock out looks like! Don has been a CFHSV athlete for years. He trains smart and because of that he keeps showing up and showing out! This man can be found working weaknesses before and after class on any given day. He is driven to be the very best he can be and he’s not afraid to put in work. Don is as kind as they come and we are very lucky to have him in our community. Keep throwing down, Don!
A. 85 – 105 – 115 – 125 – 135 – 145 – 155 (failed)
B. 2+44 rx+
22:30 rx
A. 250
B. 20:56 rx+
A. 245
B. 22:24 RX
23:17 rx+ run
280 PC
17:15 Rx+ (row)
A. 175 split clean
B. 20:30 RX+ row
24:58 rx+ row
A. 105-135-155-165-185-200
B. 20:16 RX+
A. 300(1) – missed 310
B. 16:25 RX+ (row)
A: 95-135-185-205-225-235
B: 21:15, RX (Run – Slightly chilly tonight!)
A. 245
B. 22:24 RX row
A. 225
B. 24:17 Rx