Team 3 minute Challenge: Max Russian Kettlebell Swings in 3 minutes 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12 *One athlete works here, one rests, once athlete sets KB on floor next athletes goes, switch as needed* TEAM WOD Sprint Rounds 3min AMRAP: Partner 1 ROWS 200m Partner 2 RUNS 200m or 0.5km Bike 21 Synchronized Russian Kettlebell Swings Max Synchronized Pull-ups RX+ Chest to Bar Rest 2min 3min AMRAP: Partner 2 ROWS 200m Partner 1 RUNS 200m or 0.5km Assault Bike 12 Synchronized Pull-ups RX+ Chest to Bar Max Synchronized Russian Kettlebell Swings Rest 2min **Repeat Both AMRAPs above, switching Row-Runs/A-Bike**