Warm-up: 500m Row 5 Minute AMRAP 5 Ring rows 5 Push-ups 5 PVC Overhead squats Workout: WOD 1: For time: 25 Chest to bar pull-ups 25 Burpees *if you cannot do CTB then COVP pull ups, if you cannot do pull ups then KBS* Rest 15 Minutes WOD 2:3 Rounds for time:
5 Deadlifts
men’s weight ranges from 135-280, women’s weight ranges from 95-195
run will range from 100m to 400m depending on the deadlift weight
(kettlebell weight is either 16kg/12kg or 12kg/8kg)
“A Phenomenal Experience: Masters Athlete Karen Rackliffe”, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Defining CrossFit” with Greg Glassman – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]