Alternating Rep Team WOD
20min AMRAP:
10 Alternating Partner Deadlifts (5 each, hold at top)
10 Alternating Over the Bar Burpees (5 each, same bar)
10 Alternating Partner Toes to Bar (5 each, hang from bar)
200m Wallball Partner Run (alternate/switch ball)
Barbell Loads = 225/155 RX+275/185 MRX 185/125
Wallballs = 1 per team 20/14 MRX 20/10lbs (If Male/Female team you choose the weight)
*Alternate Reps Each Rep with Partner; both athletes must have bar at top position on deadlifts to alternate reps; both must be hanging from bar to alternate reps on T2B; share same bar on alternating over bar burpees*
Curls & Stretching
-2×20 Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Curls
-20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
-2×20 Barbell Curls
-20sec each Stretch (Straddle, Couch Stretch, Scorpion, Lowerback/trunk Twist, Splits)
-2×20 Plate Pinch Curls