Team Row or Bike Races For Time: (9min cap)
(P1) 12/10 calories – (P2) 12/10 calories –
(P1) 12/10 calories – (P2) 12/10 calories –
(P1) 12/10 calories – (P2) 12/10 calories –
*Only one rower/bike per team, one person working at a time for this WOD*
Team WOD
18min AMRAP:
12/10 Calories Row or Bike
12 Over the Bar Burpee
12 Synchronized Toes to Bar
18 Alternating Kettlebell Goblet Squats
12 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings
12 Calorie Row or Bike
12 Over the Bar Burpees
Kettlebell Loads = 24/16 RX+32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Team Core Development
18 Partner Back to Back Twisting Wallball Hand Offs
12 Partner Facing Push-up Alternating High Five
18 Partner Passing Wallball Sit-ups
1min Partner Back to Back Squat Hold
54 Synchronized 2 count Flutter Kicks
12 Partner Cross Hand Hold Synchronized Squats