WOD: 2 rounds for time of: 500m row 15 over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ 15 hand release push-ups RX+ HSPU 15 V-ups 400m run 15 over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ 15 hand release push-ups RX+ HSPU 15 V-ups
WOD: 2 rounds for time of: 500m row 15 over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ 15 hand release push-ups RX+ HSPU 15 V-ups 400m run 15 over the box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ 15 hand release push-ups RX+ HSPU 15 V-ups