Deadlift Build-up — E3MOM
10 – 5 – 15 – 5 – 10
*Going for 10 RM*
6min AMRAP:
12/10 Calorie Row/Bike
9 Toes to Bar
6 Deadlifts
Rest 3min
6min AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row/Bike
Max Rep Deadlifts
Barbell Weights = 315/215 RX+365/235 MRX 255/165
*Athletes choice on which AMRAP to start with*
Core Development
2×12 Glute Ham Raises
2×12 Kettlebell Russian Twists
2×12 Hip Extensions
2×12 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead 55/45 45/35 35/25lbs
2×12 Kettlebell Russian Twists
2×12 Back Extensions
A. 225-275-225-315-315
B1. 2+3 rx 🚣♂️
B2. 3 rx 🚣♂️ (60 cals in 3mins then bb felt like it was bolted to floor)
C. 📚
A. 405 x 10
B. 1 + 21 Rx
C. 17 Rx @ 315/Row
a. 185, 225, 225, 275, 225
b. 1+26