WOD: In teams of 2, complete the following for time: 10 sets (5 each athlete) of 10 deadlift athletes must alternate per set; bar can never rest on the ground; athletes must hand bar from one to the other** 20 sets (10 each athlete) of 5 thrusters athletes must alternate per set; bar can never rest on the ground; athletes must hand bar from one to the other** 2000m row performed in 500m intervals non-rowing athlete must hold barbell in overhead position for rower to row; if dropped, rower must stop rowing 10 sets (5 each athlete) of 5 hand release push-ups one partner holds the plank while the other does push-ups; partner must be in plank in order for other partner to be working **PENALTY for setting down the barbell during the deadlifts and/or thrusters is 5 synchronized team burpees; once penalty has been completed, athletes may resume workout** Choose from 75/55 or 95/65 or 115/80 or 135/95