Bench Press Build-up — E3MOM
10 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
Power Tower For Max Points:
5 x 1min AMRAP:
Buy-in 10 Push-Ups (at the beginning of each minute)
1 min – Max Power Cleans 115/75 MRX 75/55 = 1 point for each rep
1 min – Max Power Cleans 135/95 MRX 95/65 = 2 points for each rep
1 min – Max Power Cleans 155/105 MRX 115/75 = 3 points for each rep
1 min – Max Power Cleans 185/125 MRX 135/95 = 4 points for each rep
1 min – Max Power Cleans 205/135 MRX 155/105 = 5 points for each rep
2min REST after each minute
**Goal is for Athlete to acquire max points. Can start at any weight and go up or down or stay during the 5x1min AMRAPs for points!
Core & Chest Development
-2×10 Banded Push-ups
-2x30sec L-sit Hold
-2×20 DB/KB Bench Press
-2×20 Band Pull Aparts Across Chest
-2x30sec L-sit Hang
-2×10 Finger Tip Push-Ups