Open WOD 21.3
For Time: (15min Hard Cap)
15 Front Squats 95/65 MRX 65/45lbs
30 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters
Rest 1min
15 Front Squat
30 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Pull-ups
15 Thruster
Rest 1min
15 Front Squats
30 Bar Muscle-Ups MRX Chest to Bar
15 Thrusters
Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the 15min cap for 21.3.
Open WOD 21.4
Complete Complex for Max Load: (7min cap)
-1 Deadlift to
-1 Clean to
-1 Hang Clean to
-1 Jerk
Core Development
-15 Windshield Wiper on Bar or lying on floor
-30 Flutter Kicks (single count)
-15 Hip Extensions
-15 Reverse Hypers
A1. 2+15 rx
A2. 185-205-225(x)
B. 🦮
137 reps (2+27) / 250#
3/29/21: 179 reps (2+59) / 242#
3/26/21: 165 reps (2+45) / 237#
12:43 rx
205 scaled (DL, Clean, jerk) no hang clean
13:40 Rx
21.3 – 14:38, scaled
(All rx, but 30 strict pull-ups ilo MUs)
21.4 – 215#
11:17 Rx
Julia! Reppin’ those toes to bar with ease! It’s always fun to watch her throw down. Awesome athlete and amazing person!
2+23 rx / 115
12:51 RX / 150
It’s not hard to catch Julia T working hard and looking picture perfect at the same time. This lady is a machine. A well-rounded athlete who moves with beautiful technique and knows how to push the pace. She’s kind and friendly, and just an awesome person. Way to be, Julia T ☺️
A. 2 + 19
B. 230