10min to achieve a 10 rep Max Touch and Go Deadlift
“Team WOD”
For Time:(25min cap/both working)
Partner 1 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
Partner 2 – 21 Deadlifts 225/155lbs RX+275/185 MRX 185/125
Partner 1 – 21 Deadlifts
Partner 2 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
REST 1min
Partner 1 – 21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Partner 2 – 21 Toes to Bar
Partner 1 – 21 Toes to Bar
Partner 2 – 21 Kettlebell Swings
REST 1min
Partner 1 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
Partner 2 – 21 Sumo Deadlifts
Partner 1 – 21 Sumo Deadlifts
Partner 2 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
REST 1min
Partner 1 – 21 Kettlebell Swings
Partner 2 – 21 Wallball Sit-ups 20/14lbs 20/10lbs
Partner 1 – 21 Wallball Sit-ups
Partner 2 – 21 Kettlebell Swings
REST 1min
Partner 1 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
Partner 2 – Plank Hold for Row/Bike
Partner 2 – 21 Calorie Row/Bike
Partner 1 – Plank Hold for Row/Bike

One fast cat who’ll take the angle and dash for the finish line…..you’ll be left watching dust and tail lights. Rock on- Hayes
One of my favorite kids on the planet right there! Not even touching the ground
Sorry, I just cannot take the cuteness.
This boy has my whole
That’s my sweet Hazie!!!! Runs like the wind and loves life.

This you fella is a stud !! Not only have I seen him run like lightning and can just keep going, but just the other day he was doing burpee box jump overs and enjoying it !!! You know he loved it, just look at that smile on his face while he is running !
, You are awesome Hayes !!!
I guess you could say it just comes naturally
That’s my best little buddy!
He’s been practicing beating everyone in a race since he could walk! Love this boy too much!!
Hazie!!! My favorite little dude. Always wanting to race and always winning every time (he doesn’t cheat – promise!!)
A. 355/10 (PR)
B. 17:33 Scaled with Shaf (@275 lbs)
My sweet Hayzie
Full of joy, life and love, and always willing to share it.
A. 135×3, 225 x 4, 315 x 2, 425 x 9
B. 22:50 @ 225, scaled TTB to WBSU, didn’t keep up with the minute rest in between

16:06 scaled with Kohana