Team WOD in teams of 2 or 3 20min AMRAP: Athlete 1 Runs or Rows 200m – Athlete 2 performs the following… 6 Deadlifts 245/165 RX+ 275/185 (MRX 205/135) 4 Over Bar Burpees 10 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12 Athletes switch movements, but only when both are complete. Must slap hands to start second portion of Round 1 Athlete 2 Runs or Rows 200m – Athlete 1 performs the following… 6 Deadlifts 245/165 RX+ 275/185 (MRX 205/135) -4 Over Bar Burpees -10 KBS 24/16 RX+ 32/24 (MRX 20/12) = 1 Round Complete
The CrossFit Games OPEN kicks off this Thursday, February 23rd! Get signed up today and make sure you join the CrossFit Huntsville Team! Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Feb 27 To place an order, click here!