“The Jingle Bell Grinch” by DB
For Time:
800m Run
80 Jingle Bell Swings 24/16kgs RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/12
800m ROW or Assault Bike 2km
80 Double-unders
600m Run
60 Jingle Bell Squats
600m ROW or Assault Bike 1.5km
60 Double-Unders
400m Run
40 Jingle Bell Swings
400m ROW or Assault Bike 1km
40 Double-unders
200m Run
20 Jingle Bell Swings
200m ROW or Assault Bike .5km
20 Jingle Bell Lunges (alt legs/stationary)
100m Run
10 Jingle Bell Swings
100m Row or Assault Bike .2km
10 Jingle Bell Lunges
*compare to 23 Dec 2017*
*compare to 22 Dec 2018*
REMINDER: 815am & 915am classes only today! Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot!
We will NOT have childcare today.