Bench Press E3MOM
10 – 20 – 5 – 15 – 5
“Reindeer Racing” by DB
6min AMRAP:
600m Run, Row or 1.5k Bike
12 Dumbbell Snatch (Left Arm) 50/35 MRX 35/20
12 WallBall Sit-ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10
12 Dumbbell Snatch (Right Arm)
12 Dumbbell Push-Ups (1 arm on Dumbbell)
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP:
400m Run, Row or 1k Bike
8 Dumbbell Snatch (Left Arm)
8 WallBall Sit-ups
8 Dumbbell Snatch (Right Arm)
8 Dumbbell Push-Ups (1 arm on Dumbbell)
Rest 2min
2min AMRAP:
200m Run, Row or 1k Bike
4 Dumbbell Snatch (Left Arm)
4 WallBall Sit-ups
4 Dumbbell Snatch (Right Arm)
4 Dumbbell Push-Ups (1 arm on Dumbbell)
Chest & Core Development
2×10 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Bench
2×10 Evil Wheels
2×10 Banded Push-Ups
2×10 Band Pull-Aparts
Sunday, December 24th: closed
Monday, December 25th: closed
Tuesday, December 26th: classes at 8am, 9am and 10am only. All other classes canceled. We will NOT have childcare.
Bunch of hard working athletes with Wilma in her usually spot…out in front! This woman is a machine and she just keeps getting stronger, faster and fitter by the day! Shes made incredible gains and has turned weaknesses into strengths. And she’s done it all with a smile of face, a great attitude, and enough energy to share kind and encouraging words with those around her. Keep leading the way, Wilma! 😃
A) 165(10)-135(20)-225(4)-165(5)-185(5)
B) 1+15, 1+16, 1+8 Rx Row
1+39 rx
1+28 rx
2 rx
all row
A. 135(10)-135(20)-185(5)-145(15)-205(4)
B. 1+39, 1+24, 1+7 RX row
2+1/2+2/2+1 rx row
135(10) – 165(20) – 225(5) – 165(15) – 235(5)
2+12 / 2+7 / 2+4 RX (Row)
2+1 / 2+1 / 2+2 rx row