“Operation Just Cause” by DB
For Time:(33min cap)
1 Round:
75 American Ranger Kettlebell Swings
75 Deadly Doubles
REST 1min
2 Rounds:
20 PDF WallBalls
12 Macho-De-Monte Wallball Step-Ups
REST 2min
3 Rounds:
20 Paratrooper Pull-Ups MRX Ring Rows
23 American Deadlifts
325m Row for the Wounded
WallBalls = 20/14lbs to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
Barbell Load = 225/155 RX+275/185 MRX185/125
KettleBells = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12kgs
Box Heights = 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
Grip Development
100m Kettlebell/Dumbbell Farmers Carry
23 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Curls
100m Plate Pinch Carry
23 Plate Pinch Curls
Sunday, December 24th: closed
Monday, December 25th: closed
Tuesday, December 26th: classes at 8am, 9am and 10am only. All other classes canceled. We will NOT have childcare.
Christian is as authentic as they come! He’s loud, obnoxious, hilarious, and those are the things I love about him! He’s always supportive of other athletes and generally just a joy to be around. I’m thankful for his friendship and proud of everything he’s accomplished as an athlete! Keep it up, Christian!
24:32 rx
30:36 rx (4:50, 3:18, 19:24)
2022: 28:48 rx (4:01, 2:48, 19:59)
2021: 27:20 rx (4:47, 2:51, 16:42)
2019: 27:54 rx w/ 32kg KB
Christian flying high as usual. Christian does what we think can’t be done. He sets his own bar high and accomplishes whatever he says he’s gonna do. Hes a unique athlete capable of hitting a grand slam on any given day. He works hard in and out of the gym and not many can keep up with his frantic pace of success and positivity. He’s a friend to many, funny as hell, genuine, and he’s never whispered a word in his life. Keep Rollin dude!
31:39 rx+
25:05 Rx
27:45 rx
29:38 Rx
27:51 rx+
25:40 Rx
Big dawg showing out! Christian is definitely the loudest in the room and you will know when he shows up. He can throw down on the rig, the rings and then dust you in the parking lot like it ain’t nothing. Kids got that fight in em for sure. Keep it up stud!
23:57 RX+
Christian! Floating over that bar and making it look easy. Christian is an all around great athlete. He approaches each WOD with a plan and sells out. He lifts big, runs fast and flys high on the rig. He’s kind to everyone around him and always brings big energy to the gym. Keep that confidence, Christian!
26:17 rx
A: 22:46, scaled
All RX, but no rower, so 0.8km bike ilo 325m row
Christian flying high and showing off those skills! This dude is one of a kind in more ways than one. He’s full of friendliness and personality, and there’s always a little more life in the building when he’s around. He’s a solid athlete who can truly do just about anything he puts his mind to. He’s not afraid of a challenge, and he always rises to the occasion when his limits are pushed. Keep after it, Christian!
23:12 RX+
21:53 RX+
2022: 21:06 RX+