A. EMOM x 12 minutes: pull-up/muscle-up & handstand push-up training odd minute = 1-10 reps of ring muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups, chest to bar pull-ups, or pull-ups even minute = 1-10 reps of hand stand push-ups: kipping, strict, parallette or free standing or handstand walks B. WOD #1: 2 rounds for time of: 6 over the bar burpees 12 bodyweight deadlifts 400m run 12 barbell push-ups rest 4 minutes WOD #2: 1 round for time of: 12 barbell push-ups 400m run 12 bodyweight deadlifts 6 over the bar burpees Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. May 2 To place an order, click here.