Weakness Work/Progression/Strength Training *Athlete makes 3 choices based on greatest weaknesses and choices each min, with a rest/adjustment on 4th min **List is not all inclusive, use progressions to build up/develop EMOM for 28 minutes 1-2 Rope Climb w/feet or Legless 8 Pistols (4 each leg) 2-4 Squat/Power Clean 2-4 Squat/Power Snatch 2-5 Muscle-ups (bar or ring) 3-5 Ring Dips (strict or kipping) 3-5 Pull-ups (strict or kipping) 3-10 Handstand Push-Ups (deficit, parallette, strict, kip) 10-50ft Handstand Walk 30-40 Double unders or 10-15 attempts ODD Lifts/ Odd Objects i.e. 1st min = 2 MU progressions – 2nd min = 4 HSPU – 3rd min = 6 Pistols 4th min = Rest