WOD: A. E3MOM TnG/Unbroken Clean and Jerk 5-5-3-3-3 B. In 3 minutes, max reps hang clean & jerk 135/95 rest 3 minutes In 2 minutes, max reps clean & jerks 115/80 rest 2 minutes In 1:30, max reps hang clean & jerk 95/65 Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of any of the following: stretching, flexibility, mobility, myofascial release/rolling out CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 5k time trial compare to 8/31/13 meet at Cross Country Course at 8amREMINDER: Overhead Squat Workshop today at 11am! Open to all CFHSV Members (counts as a regular visit for Silver and Gold, $15 for Bronze)