For Time: (8min cap)
1000m Row for LeaderBoard!* or
800m Run for LeaderBoard!* or
2.5k Bike
For Time: (25min cap)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Handstand Push-Ups or 5 WallWalks
10 Front Rack Lunges (alt/backward)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
10 Hang Split Cleans (alt legs)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Dips RX+Strict Ring
10 Back Rack Lunges (alt/backward)
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Hand Release Push-Ups MRX Push-Ups
10 Hang Split Cleans (alt legs)
Flexibility Development
Spend 3min on Banded Shoulder Stretches
2x20sec Couch Stretch
2x20sec Head to Floor Straddle Stretch
Spend 3min on PVC Shoulder Stretches
2x20sec Butterfly Stretch
2x20sec American Splits
5 rounds of:
200m sprint, rest 1 minute
800m run, rest 2 minutes
2:52 Run
12:30 Rx+ (Run)
4:04 bike
16:26 axles lunges to squats
A. 3:33 Bike
B. 11:09 RX+ ( Row/HSPU )
Wow… I just realized it was strict ring dips.. I did kipping
** 11:09 Scaled
A. 3:06 ( run )
B. 13:50 rx+ ( run / hspu’s )
A. 3:41 run
B. 13:27 RX+ row