“GLEN” For Time: 30 Clean & Jerks 135/95 MRX 95/65 1 Mile Run MRX 1200m 10 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10 to 10′ or 5 to 15′ 1 Mile Run MRX 1200m 100 Burpees to a plate MRX 75 Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on Sept. 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara; sister, Katie; and brother, Greg. First posted Oct. 12, 2012
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: For Time and for leaderboard! 5k Run *Meet at The Madison County Par Course Track off Johnson Road (less than 2 miles from CFHSV) For directions from CFHSV, click here! Our Annual Barbells For Boobs event is Saturday, October 27th! Help CFHSV repeat for the fourth year in a row as Alabama State Champions! Get registered today and start fundraising!!