Click here for WOD Brief!
10 minute EMOM
Death by MU or HSPU or Dip or Push-Up Challenge
-Min 1= 1 rep of MU or HSPU or Dip orPush-Up
-Min 2= 2 reps
-Min 3= 3 reps …
**Once you Fail or Fall Behind on One Movement, Rest a minute or two & get back in, or Switch to Next movement…Try to last the whole 10min!***
5 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
200m Run Row or 0.5km A-Bike
15 WallBalls 20/14lbs 10/9′ MRX 20/10 9′
10 Deadlifts, Bodyweight MRX BW/75%
5 HSPU MRX 2/4″ Rise
Click here for Home WOD brief, movement demonstrations and warm-up!
Home WOD
5 Rounds of:
200m Run / Row / .5K Bike
15 Thrusters
10 Deadlifts
10 Hand Release Push-ups
In accordance with the recent mandates set forth by the Alabama Governor, CrossFit Huntsville will be closed through May 15th.
Monday – Friday: 6am, 11:30am, and 5:30pm!
Saturdays: 9am
Check your email for all the details!