WOD: A. “Bring Sally Up” Squats 135/95 or 115/80 or 95/65 B. 5 sprint rounds for time of: 5 shoulder to overhead 135/95 RX+165/115 (55 and over 115/75) 5 back squats 5 power cleans 5 front squats 5 barbell push-ups rest 2 minutes between rounds Score = total time minus 8 minutes of rest C. Core development: 2 minute high plank hold 25 barbell evil wheels 25 hip extensions CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
A. Row 800m, record time, rest 1:00
Row 200m x 4, 0:15s rest b/w, record time
Rest 2:00
Repeat above sequence
B. Accumulate 2:00 KB/DB wall-sit hold and 40 hip extensions
C. Row 400m x 4, 1:00 rest b/w
REMINDER: We will be hosting the Open at 1pm today! The gym will open at 12:30pm for athletes to start warming up. Barbell Club is canceled.