WOD: A. Deadlift: 10 – 7 – 5 – 2/3 – 1/2 E2:30MOM B. OPEN WOD 11.2 15 minute AMRAP of: 9 deadlift 155/100 (55 and over 145/90) 12 hand release push-ups 15 box jumps 24″/20″ (55 and over 20″ and step ups okay) C. Core and Shoulder Development 1-2 rounds not for time of: 200m overhead plate carry / waiter walk 1 minute L-sit hold on parallettes or rings 25 hip extensions 1:30 high plank hold CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: Row 1:00 at moderate pace, Row 1:00 at hard pace Rest 1:00 Row 1:00 at moderate pace, Row 1:00 at hard pace Rest 1:00 *Add the total meters from the first two sessions and compare to the next. Row 2:00 at moderate pace, Row 2:00 at hard pace Rest 2:00 Row 1000m For Time Afterwards, accumulate in order: 60 Three-Count Flutter Kicks 50 Alternating Reverse Lunges 40 Military Abmat Un-Anchored Sit-Ups 30 Heavy Goblet Squats