12min AMRAP:
1000m Run or Row or 2.5k Bike
9 Hang Power Snatch
18 Wallball Sit-Ups RX+ Wallball GHD
REST 2min
12min AMRAP:
1000m Run or Row or 2.5k Bike
9 Hang Power Snatch
9 Burpee Toes to Bar
**Score is the lower score of the two! Athletes choice on which AMRAP to start with**
Loads = 115/75lbs RX+135/95 MRX 95/65lbs
Wallballs = 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
6min EMOM Challenge:
Min 1 = Bar Hang
Min 2 = Iron Chair Hold on Wall
Min 3 = Hollow Hold
Min 4 = High Plank Hold
Min 5 = Wallball DeadBug Hold (hold 1WB with hands or feet)
Min 6 = Low Plank Hold
*must go straight from hold to next in order*
CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD:
4 rounds:
800m run
100m Dumbbell Farmers Carry
100m recovery walk
100m sprint
100m Dumbbell Farmers Carry