In 2008, CrossFit Huntsville was born on “the green floor” in the Matrix Gym when Russell Berger, a pioneer in his industry, teamed up with the Millers to bring CrossFit to Huntsville. Offering one class a day, a handful of athletes were introduced to CrossFit and joined together to form the first affiliate in North Alabama. Alongside young cheerleaders and gymnasts, we tackled WODs and pushed each other to learn movements barely anyone was familiar with. There wasn’t much equipment, and shoes were not allowed, but athletes still showed up and showed out day after day, pushing each other to become Stronger Than Yesterday. We’ve come a long way, CFHSV! WOD: 20 minute AMRAP of: Buy In: 600m run, then 7 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 or 95/65 7 over the bar/lateral burpees 7 hang power snatch 75/55 or 95/65 7 over the bar/lateral burpees 7 OH lunges (stationary alternating) 75/55 or 95/65 rest 5 minute EMOM x 10 minutes: sprint 100m Flexibility Development: 2 x 30 sec pigeon stretch each leg 2 x 30 sec seated straddle stretch 2 x 30 sec American splits stretch 2 x 30 sec Chinese splits stretch 2 x 30 sec lower back T stretch REMINDER: All classes are CANCELED Thursday, October 22 and Friday, October 23 for our move. Our Grand Opening will be Saturday, October 24th! Ribbon cutting at 9am, WOD at 10am! We hope to see you all there!