Deadlift E3MOM 6 – 4 – 3 – 5 – Max Reps “1 Deadly Mile” by DB For Time: 10 Deadlifts 400m Run 10 Deadlifts Rest 1min 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 200m Run 20 Pull-Ups Rest 1min 10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 400m Row 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings Rest 1min 10 Deadlifts 200m Row 10 Deadlifts Rest 1min 10 Toes to Bar 400m Run or Row 20 Military Sit- Ups RX+ GHD Sit-Ups **Athletes can start at top and go down or start at bottom and go up** Barbell Loads = 225/155lbs RX+ 275/185 MRX 185/125 KB = 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12
Our Annual Barbells For Boobs event is Saturday, October 27th! Help CFHSV repeat for the fourth year in a row as Alabama State Champions! Get registered today and start fundraising!!