Warm up: 100m run 10 air squats 100m run 10 push ups 100m run 10 tuck jumps WOD: TEAM WOD In teams of 3 row 5km complete: 75pull ups 75 WBS 20/14 75 barbell squats to wallball 45/35 75 hand release push ups 75 over the box jumps 24″/20″ One person must always be on the rower. While one person rows, the other 2 team members can work simultaneously to accumulate reps. Each teammate has to row a minimum of 1000m. Each team will have one wallball and one barbell. If exercises are not complete at the finish of 5k row, team must keep rowing until all reps are completed. Powerlifting: A. Bench Press: 1×5 @60%, 1×5 @70%, 1 x max reps @75%, rest 3minutes B. Snatch and Clean &Jerk: 3×5 @ 85%, rest 3minutes C1. 3 x max deficit HSPU, rest 30seconds C2. 3×10 reverse hypers, rest 30seconds